Hey all, I know I haven't posted in <check's watch> oh, about 10 years or so, and it's good to see that quite a few of the familiar names are still here!

I made the jump from my 70D to the R7 last year. I mainly chose the R7 because I have never really been able to justify the cost of transitioning to full frame considering the EF-S kit that I had. With the adapter available, I was finally able to get into mirrorless bodies which are much more advanced, so I thought I was set!

But I find myself a bit frustrated here in APS-C world.

I didn't really want to have to use the adapter forever. I figured I would be able to eventually get a nice set of RF lenses covering wide (10mm) to the long end of general-purpose zooms (70-100mm).

With my 70D I was able to use the fantastic 10-22mm and the even better 17-55mm f/2.8 for almost all of my needs. I also have the 70-200mm f/4 L IS.

When I got my R7, I also purchase the 14-35mm f/4 L lens. And I found that I really like the ability to use nice RF lens and not have to deal with the added bulk of the adapter. I also have the 100-400mm which has turned out to be a whole lot of fun.

I kept thinking that Canon would eventually release RF versions of the old and amazing "Gold Ring" EF-S lenses (the 10-22, 17-55, 50 f/1.8, etc). And they just haven't. The most recent announcement of the 10-18mm piece of plastic was really disheartening.

The 14-35 L is great for landscapes that I like to do, but it's not long enough for general purpose. Any lens that starts at 24mm on the wide end (24-70, 24-105) just isn't wide enough for APS-C cameras if you like doing any landscapes.

Is Canon just never going to make a "nicer" set of RF-S glass? Without an adapter being used, there really aren't great general purpose lenses of L or near-L quality for the R7 and I'm starting to feel like this will never change. Like I might be better off just finally ditching APS-C and moving to the R6 or something.