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Thread: Don't you hate it when it happens?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Don't you hate it when it happens?

    I mean when you buy something new for your camera, figure it's the last thing you need to feel satisfied for a while and, as soon as you get it, you're on the hunt for just that one other little thing that might help you in a very, very unlikely situation?

    I just bought a shoulder for my trip to London this August (Lowepro Classified 200) and the 24-70L. I figured these would be my last purchase for a while (at least until Christmas comes -when I'll try and get a 50D as a fellow companion for my beloved XSi-) but now I find myself looking at the 10-22, and all those cool filters that cost a WHOLE lot of money...

    I'm lucky enough I don't feel the real need for a lens again, since the 24-70 and the 70-200 f/2.8 (non-IS) pretty much cover all my needs, but I wonder: will it ever end? I already spent at least grands on photography gear, I seriously need to stop and improve.

    Does this happen to you, by any chance?


  2. #2
    Senior Member Jarhead5811's Avatar
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    Re: Don't you hate it when it happens?

    Good luck with that.

    I've got an XSi with a Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8,50mm f1.8 II,Promaster IR remote,three430EXs, ST-E2,and an Impact Digital Flash Umbrella Mount Kit from B&H. I've also got an 75-300mm f/4-5.6 USM II(old POS) that I only use during deer season.

    Inext plan to get afourth flash, probably a 580EX/580EX II, refurbished like mythree 430EXs, if possible. I've also been eyeing used 550EXs on E-bay.

    Further down my list are:

    More light stands/modifiers.

    70-200mm f/2.8 L IS USM

    100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS USM

    Areally good tripod/head (using a POS that I wouldn't trust with anything heavier than my XSi with a Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8and only then for self portraits)

    [url="]RadioPoppers[/url], [url="]PocketWizards[/url] or something of the like.

    <span style="color: #3366cc;"]24-70 mm f/2.8 L IS USM<span style="color: #000000;"](When they finally get around to making it, until then the Tammy will do.)

    Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8 L II USM

    50D(or later equivalent seeing asthis could be years from now.)

    5D Mark II (or later equivalent seeing asthiswill be years from now.)

    If I had all of that right now I thinkI would be content, for a minute anyway.

    But, eventually, probably within' days, I'd just have to have something else I'm sure.
    T3i, Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8, 70-200mm f/2.8 L, Sigma 30mm f/1.4, 430ex (x2), 580ex
    13.3" MacBook Pro (late '11 model) w/8GB Ram & 1TB HD, Aperture 3 & Photoshop Elements 9

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Re: Don't you hate it when it happens?

    yup is my next step... I mean, as soon as I start doing some real portrait work, I'll have some lighting gear shipped... haha!! For the time being my 430EX II and GAry Fong are doing just fine =)

  4. #4
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: Don't you hate it when it happens?

    Let's see...on my list:

    A suitable wide-angle lens

    A Cybersync CST &amp; CSRB

    Another couple of Vivitar 285 (or 285HV) flashes

    A couple of umbrella swivels, hotshoes with miniphone jacks, and possibly a motor cord.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Jarhead5811's Avatar
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    Re: Don't you hate it when it happens?

    ...and it goes on and on and on...
    T3i, Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8, 70-200mm f/2.8 L, Sigma 30mm f/1.4, 430ex (x2), 580ex
    13.3" MacBook Pro (late '11 model) w/8GB Ram & 1TB HD, Aperture 3 & Photoshop Elements 9

  6. #6

    Re: Don't you hate it when it happens?

    good luck with that... Here's my eqpt list and never ending wish lists...

    CurrentPhoto Eqpt:

    Canon 30D, Canon 17-55mm EF-S f/2.8 IS, 70-200mm EF f/2.8 L, Induro Monopod, Tamrac 5585 Expedition (5x) Back-pack

    Post-Processing SW:

    Lightroom 2 and(a really old version of) PS

    Lighting Eqpt:

    2 Visico 600W strobes, soft-boxes, stands, and RF trigger

    1 Canon 430EX, 1Nikon SB-24, ST-E2 RF Remote Triggers

    2 reflective/shoot-thru and 1 silver reflective brolly w/ 8' stands

    Studio Shopping 'to-get' list (attainable 2009):

    Induro Tripod A314 w/DM-23 Ballhead

    12' Backdrop Stands, 12x24 backdrops in black, white, blue/grey, and brown/beige

    Wish List (attainable'09/'10):

    Canon 5D MkII, EF 85mm f/1.2 L, EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L (would have to sell my EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8)

    Wish List (un-likely)... unless sports photography starts to make money:

    Canon1D MkIII (used is more probable), EF 300 f/2.8 L

  7. #7

    Re: Don't you hate it when it happens?

    Ciao sono Gian Luca,

    Ho appena comprato il 14 L f2.8 MKII e sto pensando seriamente al 300 F2.8 IS L. Quest'anno dopo la 5D MKII avevo detto che ero a posto, ma piu' usi il tuo materiale, piu' hai voglia di avere di piu'.

    Abbiamo gia' parlato di questo, ma visto che hai gia' una macchinetta non full frame, e visto gli obbiettivi fantastici che hai, fai almeno una prova con una FF, perche' il 24-70 sara' molto piu' grand'angolo su questo corpo, e la definizione dell'immagine e' impressionante anche rispetto alla 50D.

    Ciao e a presto

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Re: Don't you hate it when it happens?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dumien
    I wonder: will it ever end?

    My wife wonders the same thing about me []

    (I keep telling her, "don't worry, this is the last thing I will ever need." I don't know why, but starting about a dozen purchaces ago, she stopped believing me. I guess she never heard of a little thing called trust. Go figure.)

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Re: Don't you hate it when it happens?


    There is absolutley, 100% No-WAY, those two lenses will cover all your needs. Your going to London forcrying out loud!! How are you going to get shots of BigBen and the Palace with 24mm on an APS-C crop sensor. It's madness I tell you! Shear unadulterated madness!!

    You've gotta get a wide angle. The 10-22 sounds like a sure bet. At least give the Tammy 17-50 f2.8 a look see.

    Good Luck Dude.....[]


  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Re: Don't you hate it when it happens?

    this website/forum is the single best reference to stimulate the purchase of new gear. Of course, there's a flip side to that.

    I wouldn't mind a couple more flashes (maybe a couple that would enable high speed pictures), a nifty 50....

    I'd really like a 5D mkII and a 1DmkII/III, but... Yeah, no darn way in the near future...

    I should focus on getting some paying photography gigs, so I can rationalize the expense. Current investment in hardware hasn't paid for itself... of course there's the love of the process, and the value of the images themselves, but... yeah....

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