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Thread: Which to PreOrder the 500mm F4L II or the 600mm F4L II, bird and wildlife advice wanted

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    Which to PreOrder the 500mm F4L II or the 600mm F4L II, bird and wildlife advice wanted

    Canon anounced delivery dates of May for the 500mm and June for the 600mm.

    I have enough gear to barter off and trade, to get either lens. But I wanted to see if any Bird / Wildlife guys had any opinions on this.

    So far my 500mm is great. When I bought it, I debated between it and the 800mm, after I used it for a while I was glad I went with the 500mm. I know the extra few pounds and inches would have really mattered the way I shoot. Which is about 50% by hand and the rest of monopod or tripod. The 600mm I just discounted at the time because of its weight.

    I used the 7D with the 500mm for a while. The 1.6 crop factor on the 500mm I felt was to much (800mm compared to full frame). But it gave me a feel for the longer length, and tracking BIF with the 7D x 500mm was alot harder than using the 5D full frame. When I bougth the 1D Mark IV the 500mm feels just about right.

    Now with the new lenses, the 600mm is the same weight as the old 500mm. It is 2 1/2" longer. I could get it and it would be similar to the old 500mm just a little more bulky to carry around in the car for "drive by" bird shootings in the country.

    I am thinking though, that the 600mm with the 1.4 ex might be to long for my liking (840mm). But the 500mm with the 1.4 ex at 700mm would be closer.

    Looking at the charts, with the extenders, the IQ from the 500mm-700mm-1000mm compared to the 600mm-840mm-1200mm...and then throwing in the 800mm in the mix, the charts indicate that the IQ at each point at each of those focal lengths will probably be progresivly lower as you get further out. Meaning that the 500mm will have the best, followed by the 600mm then the 700mm (500mm with 1.4), 800mm and so on. So as far as focal length goes, its really an decision of where you want to start and stop. 500mm-1000mm or 600mm-1200mm.

    The 2x ex charts actualy look as if they will have very usable IQ. Which would be great.

    So right now I am leaning toward the 500mm. Loose a few pounds over what I have now. Unless any one has any diffrent thougts.


  2. #2
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    Re: Which to PreOrder the 500mm F4L II or the 600mm F4L II, bird and wildlife advice wanted

    If you can afford the 600, go for it. You can never have enough reach for shooting birds...and honestly I think you haven

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    Re: Which to PreOrder the 500mm F4L II or the 600mm F4L II, bird and wildlife advice wanted

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinh Nhut Nguyen

    If you can afford the 600, go for it. You can never have enough reach for shooting birds...and honestly I think you haven't shot enough birds when you said you had too much focal length....

    Nate ..Thanks and spoken like a true birder [:P]

    Really I do not consider myself a birder. Really wildlife in general is my passion, I would rather be out shooting an elk over a tweety bird. But it does seem like a 50/50 mix between birds and other since birds are more plentifull. The reason the 7D "felt"to long is because I had been using the 5D for a year on the 500mm so I never really got used to the crop effect. And it only felt to long when with BIF. Only oncehave I ever thought 500mm was to much, and that was not long ago when a road runner came out about20 feet away and I couldn't get his tail and head in the same frame.Maybe a bit more practice I would get used to it with BIF.

    But this might sound stupid. But 600mm might be to short to always shoot at 600mm. With the 1.4 ex it might "feel" to long at 840mm. Where the 500mm with the 1.4 ex at 700mm might be just right. Like I said to me its only going to apply to BIF. Maybe what I should do is take the 500mm and 1.4 out and shoot it with the 1D IV and 7D some more to recheck my impressions.

    The other thought I had is buying a 1Ds, which in that case the 600mm would defintley be the pick.

    But the chart on the 500mm has me really interested.


  4. #4
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Which to PreOrder the 500mm F4L II or the 600mm F4L II, bird and wildlife advice wanted

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinh Nhut Nguyen
    You can never have enough reach for shooting birds...

    Unless you're shooting big, metal ones...

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    Re: Which to PreOrder the 500mm F4L II or the 600mm F4L II, bird and wildlife advice wanted


    Its interesting you posted that, speaking of big metal birds.

    I have been seriously considering taking off and going to the last shuttle launch in June.

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    Re: Which to PreOrder the 500mm F4L II or the 600mm F4L II, bird and wildlife advice wanted

    you lucky guys(I know someone else are getting those new big lenses in this forum)!, that makes me feel so excited although I don't see I'm getting any of them soon[:|]

    I'll second Nate that to get the 600mm if I were you Rick. reach is always the priority for bird photography even though there is time that you do get too close. hanging a 7D with a 400mm5.6 on your shoulder might be the solution when you are shooting with the 600mm, and I wish Canon had integrated the 1.4XTC into the new big primes.

    for me, the 500mm maybe the choice, cheaper, lighter smaller always attract me and I have been expecting the result(sharpness and Al Servo performance) of the 500mm+2XTCIII+1D combo will surprise me since they announced the new lenses and new TCs although the chance is low(well at least the sharpness looks pretty good so far). but we will know pretty soon.

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    Re: Which to PreOrder the 500mm F4L II or the 600mm F4L II, bird and wildlife advice wanted

    Hey Guys,

    Certainly an interesting debate, and I think a lot of people, including myself would be interested in the best possible decision.

    When I bought my 300mm f/2.8L IS to be used with my 7D, I went through a similar scenario between the 300mm or the 400mm f/2.8L IS. However, the 400mm f/2.8L IS weighed nearly 12 lbs at the time, so I went for the 300mm/ 2.8L IS plus 1.4X when needed and I have been thoroughly satisfied with those results, despite losing one stop with the extender. I don

  8. #8
    Moderator Steve U's Avatar
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    Re: Which to PreOrder the 500mm F4L II or the 600mm F4L II, bird and wildlife advice wanted

    Hi Rick,

    Do you intend on keeping the 500mm? You mentioned moving on some gear, so perhaps there are a couple of bodies (7D,5D) you could part with and keep the 500 and get the new 600. That way you hot it all covered.

    Steve U
    Wine, Food and Photography Student and Connoisseur

  9. #9
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    Re: Which to PreOrder the 500mm F4L II or the 600mm F4L II, bird and wildlife advice wanted


    The AF system on the 1D IV is so much superior to the 5D II and 7D that I would have to say yes it does. The 7D pics can be manipulated and have alot of head room to work with, where as the 1D IV come out almost as good as they can get. The contrast out of the 1D IV seems to be alot better than the 7D's and I haven't been able to duplicate the contrast with a 7D file to look as good. I have thought about keeping the 7D, to have the crop factor on my longest lens at its longest reach. But I think I will be parting with it, I have several personal friends that have asked to buy it.

    The 500mm will be barterd off in the trade or sold. I just can't see having two big primes. I thought for a long time about buying a 800mm to go with the 500mm. But the problem is when you go out with one of these lenses, its like taking your wife along on a trip. You don't get to take any other girls along (or lenses). (if the wife reads this maybe I won't be getting any lens[:P])


    I have been wanting the lighter 500mm. But I am used to the weight of the 500mm now, so its about the same as the 600mm. It is longer, and hand holding a longer lens is going to be a pain.


    I think the IQ of the new lens is going to be substantialy better. I own several of the newer II series lens. For instance the 24mm F1.4 II which has the new Sub Wave Coating. the IQ from the new lenses are usualy pretty big jumps in IQ and Canon is stating that the new 500mm will be sharper. I am willing to bet that it will be a nice upgrade.

    But there is really no way to tell for sure with IQ until we see actualy realcomparisons.I have the charts at home from the old 500mm with both the 1.4 ex and 2 ex on it. And I have spent some time looking at the charts for the new lenses, laying them all out side by side and comparing. So I think the decision is coming down to this:
    • Longer reach of the 600mm is a plus, especialy if I start using a 1Ds
    • The 500mm is a pound and half lighter and 2 1/2" shorter. It will be more protable.
    • Going by the Charts. The 500mm appears as if it may be quit usable with a 2 ex at a 1000mm. Where the 600mm looks marginal with a 2 ex at 1200mm. Which may sound crazy, but if the 600mm doesn't meet the IQ that I expect of an acceptable pic at 1200mm, and the 500mm does meet the IQ that I expect at 1000mm the 500mm would be the longer lens. (maybe not logical but I am going to go over the charts again on this one when I get home tonight to compare again, with what I find acceptable with the old compared to the new)

    Thanks for the input guys

    I will be thinking this over the next few days


  10. #10
    Moderator Steve U's Avatar
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    Re: Which to PreOrder the 500mm F4L II or the 600mm F4L II, bird and wildlife advice wanted

    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk

    I thought for a long time about buying a 800mm to go with the 500mm. But the problem is when you go out with one of these lenses, its like taking your wife along on a trip. You don't get to take any other girls along (or lenses). (if the wife reads this maybe I won't be getting any lens[img]/emoticons/emotion-4.gif[/img])

    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    That's one of the best analogiesI have ever heard. []

    Idid read an interview with a "pro" and he said the best investment he ever made in his business was buying his 600mm. It enabled him to get shots that others couldn't.

    Good luck with your decision, but remember you may find yourself standing on a boat one day with a dozen other photographers and theperson beside you has a 600 and you have the 500 and you are left wondering what could have been.

    Or maybe not.[:^)]


    Steve U
    Wine, Food and Photography Student and Connoisseur

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