I'd like to propose something.

All of us who read Bryan's work know what a positive, humble and respectful tone he sets in everything he writes (and, I suspect, in the way he lives his life). With The-Digital-Picture and this new forum, he is our very gracious and generous host, and we are his guests in every sense of the word. What better way to honor Bryan, each other, and the love of photography we all share, than through the way we conduct ourselves on this forum?

With that in mind, I invite you to join me in pledging to keep the Photography Community a special place by ... (feel free to add to the list)

- Keeping my posts positive and respectful

- Coming to the forum to learn or share knowledge, rather than to overpower others with my opinion

- Offering constructive input on the work and ideas of others

- Accepting feedback on my work in the spirit in which it is offered

- "Checking my ego at the door"

- Refusing to pursue personal agendas or squabbles, particularly those already existing in other forums

- Respecting others' time by keeping my posts useful and relevant

- Respecting equipment manufacturers and users of non-Canon equipment, just as I expect them to respect my choice of brand

- Supporting new photographers and people interested in learning

- Referring others to the Community with a request to honor these principles