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  • Kayaker72's Avatar
    09-14-2024, 10:27 AM
    Kayaker72 replied to a thread RF Lens Wishlist in Canon Lenses
    It is fun to sometimes walk around with a prime, sometimes with a zoom like the 70-300L. For a travel lens, I am usually f/5.6-f/11. Usually I...
    11 replies | 5005 view(s)
  • neuroanatomist's Avatar
    09-13-2024, 08:30 PM
    You're correct, I really view the 28-70/2 as a collection of prime lenses. For my typical subjects, I don't find it restrictive. Many years ago, I...
    11 replies | 5005 view(s)
  • Kayaker72's Avatar
    09-13-2024, 05:33 AM
    Kayaker72 replied to a thread RF Lens Wishlist in Canon Lenses
    I am traveling for work at the moment. But my thought is to wait for more reviews. Build quality is important for a travel lens. Like Neuro, the...
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  • DavidEccleston's Avatar
    09-13-2024, 03:46 AM
    This new lens got me looking at what else has been popping up. It seems Sigma had a 28-70mm f/2.8 for a while, and just announced a 28-105mm f/2.8...
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  • neuroanatomist's Avatar
    09-13-2024, 01:22 AM
    i wasn't the one hoping for a 24-70/4, but the new 28-70/2.8 is a pass for me. Never say never, but I won't pre-order it. Small, light, good IQ and...
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  • DavidEccleston's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 02:30 PM
    You wanted a slimmed down 24-70 f/4. How about the new 28-70mm f/2.8? Would you miss the wide end? Willing to live with the vignette and...
    11 replies | 5005 view(s)
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