Watched the video... he's just shooting on a tripod w/ no tracking... and basic advise like "avoid light pollution", and "beware of people with head...
Brant, you were right -- something was off. I did a bit more testing this morning. I believe the errors I was getting were the result of the aperture...
Based on comments from Roger Cicala (owner emeritus of LensRentals), repairing a lens doesn’t take too long regardless of the degree of damage. What...
Not long ago I bought a used Canon EF 400mm f/2.8L IS II in great condition off of eBay (it was pristine). For kicks, I took it outside to the street...
Yep. It's running the most recent firmware. It's impossible to shoot it at anything but f/1.4 and locks up the camera if you try to change apertures...