View Full Version : Show & Tell

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  1. Posting a Picture Stored on this Site
  2. new version :)
  3. started to put it all together
  4. Wedding I did recently...
  5. Free to Download: AndreaMosaic Photomosaic Software
  6. Cat Photo
  7. First Posting - Saint Patricks Cathedral - NYC
  8. Buttermilk Falls
  9. Mason throwing the ball
  10. Mason on school grounds w/ball
  11. Schnauzer at the dog park 50D + 70-200 2.8
  12. 300D Photos revisited 5 years later
  13. i'm finally ready for some critique..
  14. The Alien World
  15. Backyard Flowers
  16. New Lens and the first few test shots
  17. Birds at the Bosque del Apache in NM, USA
  18. Lessons Learned--from an amatuer
  19. Silt Bluffs
  20. Bee Waves
  21. Amsterdam winter-morning
  22. Flower picture
  23. Dogs
  24. An Example of the Auto Exposure Lock (AE Lock) Button
  25. Nighttime in the Christmas Village
  26. A Loving Moment or How to Make Out With No Lips
  27. Savannah GA Scenes
  28. Shoot with my Neighbor
  29. bird into window
  30. USAir Flight 1594: The Aftermath
  31. Hello from Birmingham, Alabama
  32. Canon 100mm f2.8 Macro - First Couple of Shots
  33. newborn photos
  34. Test shot with 16-35 f/2.8 II
  35. Getting Closer With New Canon 100mm f2.8 Macro
  36. snowmaking...
  37. 300 SLR and Mclaren
  38. Looking for Spring . . .
  39. Auld Mac - Royal Doulton
  40. My best of 2008
  41. Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
  42. Ram Tough
  43. welcome to orange county (fl)
  44. my continued G10 love affair..
  45. Ballooning last summer
  46. Head butting for lunch . . .
  47. my first 5dmkII video project..
  48. king & bee
  49. Making Due with a Lens that was Cheap in 1995
  50. Some time in the recording studio.
  51. High end retouch
  52. quick astrophotos (or: making do with a lens that was cheap in 2002)
  53. Sigma 180mm f/3.5 Macro
  54. 5D II: 10,000 pics and counting...
  55. Flower
  56. It's Time to Praise the Kit Lens
  57. Just got my 70-200 f4 L?
  58. Black anD WHites
  59. Special effect pics
  60. Eaten alive! (macro movies)
  61. Butterfly
  62. Black ANd WHits Opinions??
  63. Post your best wildflower shots (from this season)!
  64. POST Your whole canon Gear Lineup
  65. Whats in your bag Canon Lineups
  66. Late Afternoon Birdbath
  67. NASCAR fans rejoice
  68. Self-Portrait using the Honl 1/8" Speed Grid
  69. A Bizarre World
  70. Fast and Furious
  71. Post Your Best Nature Shots!
  72. San Diego Wild Animal Park Butterfly Jungle
  73. 8 x 12, 10 x 15, 12 x 18 picture frames
  74. Fire Show - Riviera Maya, Mexico, March 2009
  75. X-post: which one is better?
  76. A Cool Sunset
  77. 2009 Air Show
  78. DIY Macro Photography with a 50mm f/1.8 at (3x-4x magnification??)
  79. Swimming in money...
  80. Post Your Pets!
  81. How 'bout some Superbikes
  82. Happy Easter!
  83. Post your best Black and White Photo
  84. which one is better?
  85. How 'bout some Ferraris
  86. First Weekend with the 5D MKII
  87. Local Tea Parties
  88. Hot & Steamy Love Scene (NSFW)
  89. Fireworks time
  90. Parrot - 10D image sharpnes
  91. Post your Best Macro Shots!
  92. A few oldies
  93. So, I'm shooting a company softball game...
  94. First pics from my new Canon EFS 17-55
  95. Newbie question....
  96. Christina in the Field
  97. Follow up on Vivitar 285HV Battery Modification
  98. New Equine Photos
  99. Smooth or Tight (100-400)
  100. A Raptor eyeing his dinner
  101. A Raptor eyeing his dinner
  102. FLOWERS! (even if you don't like flowers you might like these)
  103. Post your most Extreme Weather shots
  104. Ever find interesting things in your images months later?
  105. Post your favorite pictures of oranges!
  106. Back-breaking Photo Session
  107. Running barrels
  108. Abstract Architecture shots
  109. Damsels I've known
  110. Still Nature
  111. What type of bird is this?
  112. Stuff You Can't Do (Shooting Sports with the 5D MKII and the 2x Extender)
  113. B-17 Flight Pics
  114. Water Drop Photos???
  115. Kakadu and Litchfield Parks, Northern Territory Australia
  116. WERA Sportsman Series
  117. First real wedding
  118. Post your weirdest picture
  119. Amber in the Basement & Car Photo
  120. Fourth of July photo thread (fireworks, picnics, etc.)
  121. Fireworks - Washington DC National Mall Show
  122. Train Depot Self-Portrait
  123. Post your favorite (or best) zoo pictures!
  124. Crazy Day at Work - What do you think?
  125. NEW: Self-Portrait (Sean & Amber) using the Canon 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5
  126. Blown away by the D5MII + 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM combo that I received today.....
  127. Astrophotos, anyone?
  128. Some pics using the 5DMII and 70-200 f/2.8L IS USM; no flash;
  129. A picture tells a story.
  130. Printing and Album design
  131. Got my name and watermark figured out! What do you think?
  132. Concert Photography - From the Philippines
  133. a self portrait of sorts..
  134. Some of my first shots with the Canon Xsi
  135. 5DII with EF24-105f/4 L IS USM................pictures
  136. Amanda Maternity Series
  137. Picture style........ Landscape/ Standard/ Monochrome........5DMII :EF 24-105 f/4 L IS USM
  138. A video of a creation progress of a cover
  139. Bees and Hive (C&C are welcome too)
  140. How do I post photos, web hosting?
  141. Aug 15, 2009 Nashville Strobist Meetup Results
  142. Depth of Field....2.8 vs 1.4
  143. Blue Rocks Baseball Pictures
  144. Some dragonflies...
  145. London
  146. Strange things on the walls of my city!
  147. post your best baseball shots
  148. First capture at water fountain
  149. Picture: Better Products through Constant Research
  150. HSR, Road Atlanta, Motorcyles
  151. Chicago Air Show (new photos added)
  152. HSR Road Atlanta Sunday
  153. The Beast (EF400 f/2.8 L IS USM)
  154. New Site!
  155. Another New Website
  156. YASP (Yet Another Self-Portrait). ;-)
  157. Sample shots from Sigma 120mm-400mm (including Hummingbirds)
  158. Just Messing Around.
  159. A walk in the park
  160. Strobing First Tries
  161. Night at Yafo (Tel Aviv)
  162. First Legit Senior Shoot. Rookie Mistake
  163. Got my CTR-301P Wireless Strobe Trigger. First shot attempt.
  164. Pinwheel Galaxy (m33)
  165. Dad...not till I have my first cup of coffee!
  166. 5 new Hubble photos
  167. New Jersey Motorsports Park Ferrari Challenge
  168. Petit Le Mans, Road Atlanta
  169. Something New, Something Odd
  170. Sharing some new pics
  171. Sunset In St. Paul, Minnesota HDR
  172. Ecologic hell
  173. Won the Photo competition for August at Ultra-print!
  174. Safina and her Guns!
  175. I Love the State Fair!!
  176. First pics from my new 100mm Macro lens!
  177. Macro shot of a guy who had a little too much!!!
  178. Post your Best Travel Photo
  179. Post your HDR images of Cars
  180. Portraits
  181. One Light Portraits Using 50D, 18-200IS, 580EXII
  182. Bahai Gardens - Haifa
  183. Recent Shots
  184. One Light Self Portraits: Down and Dirty Editing
  185. Weekend Break to Anglesey
  186. deleted
  187. A Borrowed Lens :)
  188. some pics taken with the 70-200/2.8L and 5DmII
  189. 1st attempt at shooting a car
  190. I'm officially a strobist!
  191. Indiana in the Fall
  192. Last Week to Vote in Canon Phootography in The Parks Voter's Contest 2009 and WIN a Canon Digital Rebel T1i
  193. 2009 Jacksonville Sea and Sky Spectacular
  194. Band photos: Thrice at Diesel in Pittsburgh
  195. an unwelcome 1st shot with the new lens...
  196. Finally got the moon and two energetic dogs
  197. First Fireworks Rants & Raves
  198. How to upload a picture?
  199. Ice Experiment
  200. Astronomy Related Photo Contest
  201. DIY Bokeh
  202. Post your best bird shots!
  203. My photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/frankonian/
  204. Post your best candle light shots
  205. Wedding pictures
  206. Post Your Best Motor-sport Photos
  207. An Unusual Passenger
  208. Some Snowboarding Anyone?
  209. Post your best winter sports photos!
  210. Image Gallery
  211. My first time lapse attempt, what do you think
  212. My wife will kill me photo...
  213. Post your best Macro shots
  214. Flash Experiment with Pop-up Flash
  215. Live Theatrical Performance Imagery
  216. One year later
  217. New gear!!!
  218. Late Night Experiments
  219. Post your favorite Airplane shots
  220. Just got to these
  221. Post Your Best Car Shots!
  222. A Story for the Birds
  223. Don't you just hate it? Photo bomb!
  224. Couple of pics from Rolex 24 Weekend
  225. Short movie i shot with a T1i. rock climbing!
  226. First pics with my new 50mm f/1.4
  227. Post your best nature shots - 2010
  228. Ottawa Winterlude Ice Sculptures
  229. Black&White studio experiments (fashion-ish)
  230. which one is better?
  231. which one is better? resubmit with new BW version
  232. My bird attracting set-up...almost a success!
  233. Fear the bird!
  234. Woodland creatures and birds
  235. 7D Video: Wii Madden
  236. A few bird shots from yesterday
  237. A few more shots from yesterday
  238. Tilt and you shall receive!
  239. Unusual Black Spot
  240. Favorite surf shots for the year so far..
  241. Strobist / Flash Fill
  242. Train
  243. Flowers
  244. Bobbing for birdseed
  245. Tilt Valley Racer - TS-e 24mm warning!
  246. Sunset reef with splashy bits (no tilt)
  247. Post your best Mode Two pans
  248. Post something you captured TODAY!
  249. Hot Air Balloons
  250. Show & Tell from Sunday - All 300mm f/4