View Full Version : Posting photo in message

06-06-2009, 02:39 PM
I was tring to add a picture of my dog to the thread about pets, but did not figure out how. I found the insert media button, but I believe I need the photo on the web to do this. Is there a way to insert a photo directly from my computer?

Should any photo be resized to about 100KB jpg for best viewing, time and quality wise?

06-06-2009, 05:12 PM
Sizing down to a 100K jpg is a good idea... but no, it doesn't have to be on a web host first. I upload stuff straight from my computer to here.

06-09-2009, 05:23 PM
There is a size restriction but the message doesn't tell you the limit... I've used both methods thus far btw.

Sean Setters
06-09-2009, 06:23 PM
I know the account limitation for each individual is 5mb, but the individual file size limit may be smaller....not sure. The best thing to do is to resize the image to no wider than 800 pixels (as the threadwidth is 800, if you file is any larger it won't be totally seen in the thread). An image with a width of 800 pixels would surely meetall requirements of the site.

After resizing, you choose the file and upload it. Then pick that file out of your files that you've uploaded to this site andclick "Insert." If you'd like to resize your image after inserting it in your post, you can using the button just to the right of the filmstrip. There you can set new dimensions for the image.

<span style="color: #003399;"]wusstigphoto - You may want to see how large the files are in your account. If the total size of the pictures you've already uploaded is near 5mb, then you won't be able to upload anything else. Try deleting those files already on your account or else resizing those pictures (and re-uploading) to save space, and then you'll probably be able to upload more.

06-09-2009, 06:57 PM
Thanks for the hint, I did post a file from the internet.

After resizing, you choose the file and upload it.

Better description, click on our user name in the upper right
corner of the forums page, look down the right side for upload file (
picture ), there is also a link to view all files you have uploaded.


06-09-2009, 07:38 PM
thanks Sean. good stuff to know.