View Full Version : Suggested usage, and Stickies

Tom Alicoate
01-04-2009, 11:49 PM
Bryan,a few suggestions:

1. Provide more direction with how you would like the different forums to be used. For instance in the Image Presentation section. The show and tell section what should go there? One photo at a time, 10 photos in a set, a link to another website? What about post your best photo threads? I am not one for enforced rules, but I would like to know thegoals/intention of a site/forum. Some sites do not want embedded pictures in the gear forums, and people police that aggressively. If you prefer to let it flow and see what happens, thats cool too.

2. There is no cancel button for getting out of a post a message screen.

3. I previewed a post, selected a photo(outlined in blue), and this brought me to a separate window. Then I closed the window and everything was lost. I am not sure if I ran into a temporary condition, because I tried it now and I don't see the blue. If there is some other way to get into this condition a back button would bea good idea.

4. I would prefer to see the forums first when I click on the button for it. What I see now are the latest threads for all forums. I guess this is OK, but I always need to scroll down to see them. On a larger screen I would guess this is fine. I am on a laptop though and it is becoming a repetitive task. This is a minor issue, and if it gets bad I will push the wife for a 17" macbook pro. [:)]

I don't expect changes, these are just suggestions. Thanks for having a great site!

Tom Alicoate
01-05-2009, 12:01 AM
Sorry to reply to myself, but wanted to add in there, that some stickies might be a good idea for how to post a picture etc...

Bryan Carnathan
01-05-2009, 01:40 PM
Hi Tom,

1. I envision adding a sticky as you suggested to the top of each forum. I mentioned this within another thread somewhere, but - I welcome your thoughts on what should go in each - or if you can get the time, compile a list of your thoughts that we can start with and modify as needed.

2. If you are talking about the pop-up window, try the "X" at the top right. Otherwise, let me know and I'll investigate.

3. Let me know if you can reproduce the problem. I'll figure out what is wrong. I know of a couple issues that I need to contact support for.

4. Let me think about this one. One of the nice features of this forum software is that you can view all posts or many various sub-sets of all posts. The 5 top posts in the forum group you are viewing does push the forum list down the page. I also don't want to take away your excuse for needing that 17" Mac Book Pro! :)

Thanks for the suggestions!

Tom Alicoate
01-05-2009, 02:36 PM
For Number 3. If you have a flickr account, it gives you two choices to reference the photo. When you enter the URL for the media...

If you select the larger one formatted like this(the HTML):
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"]&lt;a href="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3021/2917843138_3a9539d0c6_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/talicoa/2917843138/]http://www.flickr.com/photos/talicoa/2917843138/" title="Oxbow Reflection of Mt. Moran by talico, on Flickr"&gt;&lt;img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3021/2917843138_3a9539d0c6_o.jpg" width="3404" height="2404" alt="Oxbow Reflection of Mt. Moran" /&gt;&lt;/a&gt;

In the preview page, everything shows up ok, but If you click on the displayed picture, you jump to the flickr site. the back button brings you back to the response page, but it is blank, and closing the window closes everything.

If you select the smaller one like this:
<p style="padding-left: 30px;)

Everything works ok.

Thanks again,
