View Full Version : Latest And Greatest DSLR

06-15-2009, 09:15 PM
I was surveying some of my old equipment the other day and started
messing with my 1N-RS. Then I starting thinking (day dreaming) about MY ultimate DSLR.
Basically full-frame, 12.8mp, 15 fps, pellicle mirror, sealed sensor,
and silent operation. This would be a journalists dream. My RS would be
virtually silent if it were not for the film transport. But a DSLR doesn't
have a film transport and the carbon fibre shutter WOULD be nearly
silent. Imagine firing off 15 fps without distracting your primary or
his/her cohorts (security). And without a mirror to flip, the sensor
could be hermetically sealed agains dust. And further, 15 fps IS attainable with todays high speed sensors. Eliminate the mechanical limitations and imagine what we would have!

Anyway, just thinking out loud.

06-15-2009, 09:23 PM
Oh, one more thing. How about processing the data stream for each photo receptor and adjusting exposure on a pixel by pixel basis. Imagine...perfect exposure on every part of the image! No more highlights to blow-out and no more lowlights to loose detail. Im sure the processors of today are capable of doing this. But for every photo receptor there would have to be an exposure sensor. Hmmm...maybe someday.

06-16-2009, 11:52 AM
Pellicle mirror means a loss of one stop of light. I don't think we want that just yet...too much of a trade-off.

I don't think 15fps is a factor of the sensor. Video cameras have been doing 30-ish fps for years, and super-slo-mo cameras do 90fps.

CCD sensors don't need shutters, so why not ask for CCD?

06-16-2009, 11:54 AM
Oh, one more thing. How about processing the data stream for each photo receptor and adjusting exposure on a pixel by pixel basis. Imagine...perfect exposure on every part of the image! No more highlights to blow-out and no more lowlights to loose detail. Im sure the processors of today are capable of doing this. But for every photo receptor there would have to be an exposure sensor. Hmmm...maybe someday.
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So what you want is a color-only sensor? No thanks.

Processsors probably are available to do this, yet they probably can't keep up with 15fps while still keeping battery life, heat, and cost to a reasonable level.