View Full Version : Still Nature

06-18-2009, 12:39 PM
This is just a little something from my house... I really like the sticks, so I took a couple of pictures...what do you think? C&C more than welcome


Canon Rebel XSi - 450D

Canon EF 70-200mm F2.8

Canon Speedlite 460EX II - ETT-L Mode

1/100 sec

70mm @ F2.8

ISO 400


Canon Rebel XSi - 450D

Canon EF 70-200mm F2.8

Canon Speedlite 460EX II - ETT-L Mode

1/125 sec

155mm @ F2.8

ISO 400

Vlad Xp
06-19-2009, 06:47 PM
The sticks' shape, creates a nice abstract pattern, but the background and other objects nearby in the first image are a little distracting. With that said, I like the second version better. The first one fits a "store catalog" category. Ligthing is good. Did you bounce your flash off the ceiling?

Sean Setters
06-19-2009, 08:31 PM
I suggest using a lower ISO and a tripod. Your pictures will look best at ISO 100, but you may have to use a very slow shutter speed for that (requiring the tripod).

06-20-2009, 12:40 AM
The first one doesn't look as sharp as I'd expect using L glass.

I agree with Vlad Xp, I like the lighting, but the background is a bit distracting for #1.

I like #2 :)

06-20-2009, 01:00 AM
I agree the first one is not as sharp as I would expect from L glass. I personally think the background has just the right amount of blur for the subject and what the bacground consist of. The second one is not sharp enough either.


06-20-2009, 04:43 AM
The sticks' shape, creates a nice abstract pattern, but the background and other objects nearby in the first image are a little distracting. With that said, I like the second version better. The first one fits a "store catalog" category. Ligthing is good. Did you bounce your flash off the ceiling?
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yes I bounced the flash off the ceiling and I was using a Gary Fong Cloud. I agree with the background being distracting, but those things were in a place hard to get to, so I couldn't move it =)

The first one doesn't look as sharp as I'd expect using L glass.

that might be because of the wuality reduction for the upload on the internet...if you want the original version (about 9Mb, quality 100% from DPP) please do email me here mecc_3 at hotmail dot com

thanks everyone for the input :) really appreciate it