View Full Version : Starting my own business. Any tips on how to name it?

06-19-2009, 10:47 PM
Not specifically "give me a name idea!!!!" but more, any tips people can think of. I already have an idea that I've been stuck with. It's an "A" name, so it'd keep me one of the first people to find.

I thought about just using my name, but so many people do that, that I think it's not the direction I want to go.

Also, I don't want to be TOO generic....like....Quality Photography...haha or anything close to that.

If anyone has any tips, or ideas, I'd love to hear them.

PS: I shoot everything, so I'm not going to just do, say, weddings. I'll do sports, portraits, weddings, family activies, babys....whatever anyone wants, so I can't really make a name match a single type of photography.


06-19-2009, 10:50 PM
Our studio got called TriDuo this way:

Allen and Ada used to race triathlons and duathlons, I currently race in them. They then started taking photos of the races. Hence TriDuo.

Think of any experiences youve had that could be used in a name.

06-21-2009, 04:37 AM
I play with company names (and logo's) here and there. Much more when I was doing "Production Illustration" in college, but it's always been a little fun aside from that.

One of my first thoughts is that I really wonder if having your business listed first in a group of listings should be given higher priority than a good, uniquie, creative name. I would never pick out a business simply because they were at the top of a generic list. I would look for: Location, Specializations, Years in Business, if they have a Block Ad in addition to a basic listing, etc. But, I often have to stop and remind myself that MUCH of the 'marketing' that goes on doesn't work on me while it does on the general population (and I think that's a sad commentary on the general population).

That aside... I always try to come up with a company name that means something to me, but is catchy to an outsider. A name that will either imply creatvity or is unique enough that people actually ask you (in a curious/good way) where the name came from.

Lastly, if the "top of the list" really is important to you... consdier numbers also.

Sean Setters
06-21-2009, 10:28 AM
"An Unforgettable Moment [in] Photography"

"A Timeless Image"

"21 Studios"


"Brides, Balls, & Babies Photographic Studios"

he he he

06-21-2009, 02:46 PM
What got you into photography?

Do you have hobbies that relate closely to it?

What do you like shooting the most and what do you shoot the best?

Do you have close friends or family memebers in on this with you?

Do you have a pet that is or was cherished over all others?

06-21-2009, 03:34 PM
I shoot everything [H]

06-21-2009, 04:11 PM
Well, I like shooting landscape myself, but it's not necessarily my favorite thing to do and I'm not so sure I'm all that good at it yet... [;)]

One of the compliments I've received is that (when I put my mind to it) I tend to compose my shots very well. While I appriciate the compliment unfortuantely that is something that can often be done via simple cropping... I'd almost rather be good at exposure consideration or color balancing... (course those things often can be fixed on a computer these days too, it just takes more time than cropping).

06-21-2009, 04:13 PM
What got you into photography?

Do you have hobbies that relate closely to it?

What do you like shooting the most and what do you shoot the best?

Do you have close friends or family memebers in on this with you?

Do you have a pet that is or was cherished over all others?

I don't know what REALLY got me into photography. I have that "one" picture that I took, which after I took made me say "holy s*** look what I just got!!!" That is probably one of the big stepping points. It's a picture at a Red Sox game. With my PowerShot S5 IS I got a bat shattering in half, flying away mid swing. It blew my mind that I got the shot with a PowerShot. Since then I can't wait to take that next shot, ya know?

I have a close friend I'm doing some work with, but separate businesses. No pets, nope.

Sports would be my favorite, but I'm not quite set up for it yet. I love freezing that fraction of time forever. Especially when it's high action, and you see what you would normally never notice.

My idea for a name was "Aperture Photography". I think it sounds cool, but to the person who doesn't know photogrpahy....what does that mean to them? Nothing. The only saving grace, is that I can use that generic aperture "logo" if you will, which I think would convey what it meant, and it's a catchy logo IMO.

The numbers is a good idea, if I can make it relate well.

I also thought of maybe an acronym. A friend suggested A.V.O. photography....he thought it was a good idea. A Visual "big O" photography. haha Now, I admire his idea, but I'm sure grandma wanting pictures of the grandkids isn't going to want to know what that all stands for.

06-21-2009, 04:27 PM
Aperture Photography would be associated with the world famous Aperture Photography Foundation. I think. Also, like you said, a bit generic and obvious.

Why not use your name and turn it into a brand? You can literally make a name for yourself. A lot of good and/or famous photographers are known by their names rather than their studio or company names.

06-21-2009, 04:41 PM
Aperture Photography would be associated with the world famous Aperture Photography Foundation. I think. Also, like you said, a bit generic and obvious.

Why not use your name and turn it into a brand? You can literally make a name for yourself. A lot of good and/or famous photographers are known by their names rather than their studio or company names.

Yeah, there are a lot of people who use their names, and it works well. I'm not sure my name has a good flow to it. Osterman Photography. haha I did think initials maybe could work, like J.C. J.C. photography? J.C. images? I dunno.

06-21-2009, 04:46 PM
Ok, so... just one idea to get your wheels spinning... (I'm basing this off your handle here). If I think of more, or if you want to contact me and give me more info to work with, I'll put more ideas up.

Name: A Lone Sierra Studio

"Tag" (under name & logo): Moments captured in time.

For a logo maybe an outline of a wolves head with the sierra mountains in the back? (or if you could actually find a photo of a wolf that would accomplish the same thing...)

You'd have the logo on the top left, the name to it's right in larger print, and the tag below it all in a single line in smaller print.

Starts with a single "A". Has your name in it. Implies a larger company (thereby giving perceived credability). The logo relates back to the business name.

06-21-2009, 04:51 PM
Well I have the same problem so I needed to squeeze in part of my name. I dont have a business mind you, but I did need a URL for my photography blog while studying photography.

Here in the country I live, my name (Madison) is very uncommon, and even more uncommon for a guy (it's usually girls).

My last name is a nightmare (Gerritsen) (wow that is not very good sounding).

I came up with the idea: madebymadison. as a brand name. it works, I get loads of good reactions.

What if you decide to do something similar? I personally don't think your name has a bad flow. It sounds unique, dependable, and has a nice ring to it. How about Osterman Productions. Shot by Osterman. Osterman Studios. Osterman the posterman (just kidding). Osterman visual. It's not your name I have a problem with but finding something that adds a communications layer that sets you apart and pushes you in the field of image production and photography. Osterman: I shoot everything. Funny, but I would definitely remember it.

When I finish I am going to set up a studio and just name it after myself. Hopefully people wont think I am a girl.

06-21-2009, 04:56 PM
That's not a bad idea Corey. I'm not much of a studio though. Everything I will do, will be wherever they want. Maybe I could play off of that?

I'll basically be a custom photographer. I'll take pictures of your favorite bug in your back yard. I really don't care what it is. Maybe I have something there?

06-21-2009, 05:01 PM
Ah! Freelance photography essentially. Hmmm. Well if you lived in my neck of the woods I'd say "Around the Sound Photography" and come up with a logo of Mt Raineer or an outline/map of the Puget Sound... but that only works because I can find an "A" word that rhymes with 'sound'.

06-21-2009, 05:03 PM
Well I have the same problem so I needed to squeeze in part of my name. I dont have a business mind you, but I did need a URL for my photography blog while studying photography.

Here in the country I live, my name (Madison) is very uncommon, and even more uncommon for a guy (it's usually girls).

My last name is a nightmare (Gerritsen) (wow that is not very good sounding).

I came up with the idea: madebymadison. as a brand name. it works, I get loads of good reactions.

What if you decide to do something similar? I personally don't think your name has a bad flow. It sounds unique, dependable, and has a nice ring to it. How about Osterman Productions. Shot by Osterman. Osterman Studios. Osterman the posterman (just kidding). Osterman visual. It's not your name I have a problem with but finding something that adds a communications layer that sets you apart and pushes you in the field of image production and photography. Osterman: I shoot everything. Funny, but I would definitely remember it.

When I finish I am going to set up a studio and just name it after myself. Hopefully people wont think I am a girl.

LOL The Posterman. haha That one got me!

Where are you from? With your name, and liking the flow of my name, it must be Sweden, or Germany. haha

Hmm....Those are good thoughts, though. I'm one of very very few people with that last name in the northeast USA. There wouldn't be any others.

06-21-2009, 05:06 PM
In regards to Madison: "Mad Photography"

(in American-English "Mad" can mean "crazy" or simply imply that you really like something. Think: The TV show "Mad about you"). [:D]

06-21-2009, 05:07 PM
Ah! Freelance photography essentially. Hmmm. Well if you lived in my neck of the woods I'd say "Around the Sound Photography" and come up with a logo of Mt Raineer or an outline/map of the Puget Sound... but that only works because I can find an "A" word that rhymes with 'sound'.


Yeah basically. I'll be a Jack of all trades. Maybe John of all trades, since that's the nickname.

I like Around the Sound! No sounds around here. A bunch of rivers, lakes, and lobsters. Some moose as well.

I would like to find something to convey freezing that one moment you'll never get back. If not a name, at least a tag line.

06-21-2009, 05:09 PM
Jack of all frames??

Nah...trying to hard.

06-21-2009, 05:13 PM
I'm one of very very few people with that last name in the northeast USA. There wouldn't be any others.

That makes it unique. And that counts. It also makes it YOU. That also counts. Also: it's pronouncable. (If English people would pronounce my name they'd throw up because we use sounds not familiar in the English language. I am Dutch by the way, so I live in The Netherlands).

Your name is your name. It doesn't have to have a good flow. If Vogue wants to shoot a cover they call Patrick. That would be Patrick Demarchelier. Very few Americans would pronounce or spell that correctly. Yet the man is hired by the entire industry and does one heck of a job. His name is also unique.

I'd still say: build a name for yourself and make your name a brand so to speak. Just know what to put in front or behind it to narrow things down. I would not recommen adding things like 'studio' because potential clients could assume you have one and book you for something you cannot produce for them.

I like Osterman. It really does sound unique, easy to pronounce and it has a dependable business ring to it. Seriously.

06-21-2009, 05:16 PM
How about 'drawing with light'

06-21-2009, 05:19 PM
Maybe play with the word "Exposed".

Life Exposed... Exposure of Life...

How about: Exposed Moments by John Osterman

06-21-2009, 05:26 PM
Thanks. But for now I will stick with madebymadison on my (temporary) website. When I set up the studio it will be studio madison. Simple, my (first) name in it, it will reflect that I have a studio and it will be bilingual because the Dutch word for studio is identical to the English word.

06-21-2009, 05:31 PM

haha Northern Exposures! Perfect play on words.

Madison thanks for all the tips. I need to figure this out, so I can make a card. People are hounding me to get a card so they can give it to their friends. I don't have any formal training, so right now I'm making sure people know I'm new, and have yet to take classes, which I will as soon as I can. Do you think any online courses would be helpful? Or should I strictly stick with hands on classes?

06-21-2009, 05:37 PM
I prefer hands on classes but it's different for everyone. I tought myself. Found out I needed more. Did a basics course to refresh, enrolled in photo school but didn't find what I need. Enrolled in a course with a Dutch word press winning photograph and became inspired again, and am switching to a proper photography academy in september to study further. Meanwhile I read a lot and go to places like this to learn. (I studied graphic design before and was an art director for many many years before I wanted to change carreers). You should investigate what it is you want to learn and what you need, and then look for the right place/method for YOU. It's different for everyone, like I said. You'll be fine. People are already asking you for cards.

As far as being new: take the jobs you feel confident about, and don't take the ones you feel may get you in over your head. Your confidence will grow and so will your portfolio and then you can move over to bigger assignments.

As for cards: think from a practical perspective. What if clients call? Can you identify who is a client and who is not? If you name your business a business you need a seperate phone line. If your name is on the card and you pick up with Osterman, they know it is you and they have the right person. Otherwise they call your house or cell, you answer with 'Osterman' or something and they expect it to be answered by a company called 'x' (Northern Exposures) (ps: there was a tv show called that in the 80s I think). All things to consider.

06-21-2009, 06:03 PM
There you go, Northern Exposures by John Osterman.

Now you just need to figure out a logo or photograph (think: northern lights?) to put on the business cards. Get yourself a domain name (you might have a little trouble with the name (looks like www.northernexposuresphotography.com is open).

And, regarding the phone line and potential customers, just have your name on your voicemail "You've reached John Osterman..."

06-21-2009, 06:18 PM
Thanks for all the ideas Madison. I'll keep an open mind about everything. And yes, I knew about that Northern Exposure show. haha Hence the play on words.

Cory, I'm actually kind of liking the Northern Exposures by Osterman idea. I live in Maine, so you can't get further north in the U.S. Where are you from, by the way...just curious? You said the Sound was near you, so that gives me a hint.

Then come up with a card/slogan for that. hmmmm the wheels commence turning.

06-21-2009, 07:13 PM
I'm on the exact opposite side from you I think.

I always tell people "Seattle" because that's what almost anyone will recognize... but I really live halfway between Seattle and Tacoma (maybe 20 miles south of Seattle) in a city called Federal Way. Grew up here for the most part, but I like the location because it's between the two cities in terms of commuting.

I'm really hoping to get out and do a lot of shooting this summer. I just replaced my original 300D (first Canon Digi SLR made) with a 50D and bought the Canon 24-105 f/4.0 L lens for my Christmas present to myself. The Northwest is just amazing for photo oportunites. You've got the Olympic Rainforest/National Park out on the peninsula, some of the small towns out there that have a lot of personaly. You have the Puget Sound itself for landscape/water shots along with the potential wildlife (Whales, Orca, Seals, Dolphins). You have Mt Raineer (and the National Forest there), Mt Hood, Mt Baker, Mt St Helens and just the Cascade Mountain Range in general. You have Seattle itself for 'big city' and it's Waterfront (Pike Place Market is a great spot - oldest continually open public market west of the Mississippi I believe) and Tacoma is slowly becoming a more 'serious' city I guess you'd say (athough the city and many of its inhabitants might wag their fingers at me for saying that - it really is a real city, its always been in Seattles shadow). And if you head over to the eastern side of Washington State you've got a more desert like landscape.

06-21-2009, 08:39 PM
Yup, you are! Maine and Washington. They are pretty similar, but as far as cities go you've got us beat. haha Portland, our biggest city.....60,000 strong. lol I lived near Seattle for a little while when I was in 4th grade. YEARS ago!

We've got tons of good ops out here. We have a desert, mountain ranges, lakes, rivers, and over 3000 miles of coast line. I can't wait to get out on a weekend trip and just go to Acadia park (of which Bryan has sample pictures up on this site) and take pictures dawn till dusk.

I bought my first DSLR, the 50D this year. It came with the kit 18-50 and 55-250. I returned the 250 because it was defective. I now have the 18-50, 10-22, 28-135, 50 1.8, and this month I'll be getting the 17-50 2.8 and 100mm 2.8 macro.

I'm getting a 70-200 2.8 IS as a gift in another month or two, and next year, I'll invest in the 100-400. I'm hoping the new one of those is announced between now and then, so I can get a newer version. Eventually, if all that money pays off and I start going somewhere, I'll go full frame down the line, but as far as I'm concerned, the 50D will do anything I'll really need to do. As long as I have a quality lens attached!

06-22-2009, 12:22 AM
That's kinda funny... sounds like we'll end up with similar kits.

I started with the 300D that came with the basic short zoom (18-55mm?) and immediately bought the first IS Zoom Canon made (the 75-300mm IS USM) and took those over to England/Wales for a month long trip.

Then I found Bryans site here and replaced my starter lens with the Tarmon 17-50mm f/2.8 before I was supposed to go to the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta (we ended up not going, but I hope to in the next year or two).

This last December I bought my 50D and 24-105mm L and shortly after bought the 10-22mm EF-S IS USM (that lens really impressed me yesterday - took it up in a B-17 flight and got some 1.0-2.5 second hand held shots that are actually quite usable).

I just bought the Sigma 30mm f/1.4 as I wanted a indoor low-light lens for family and friendly get-togethers and I'm headed back over to England/Scotland again in a month or two and will be visiting the Tower of London. I've been in it before so I know I'll need that lens to get good shots in there and inside some of the more intact castles (Arundel Castle in particular).

My next buy will be either the 70-200 f/2.8 IS or the 100-400mm. Since there seems to be a buzz about a new 100-400mm if there isn't one out before I have the spare cash I'll get the 70-200 first I think, but if the 100-400 is out by then I'll get it.

So I should end up with...

Canon 10-22mm 3.5-4.5 IS, Tamron 17-50mm 2.8 IS EX Di II, Sigma 30mm 1.4, Canon 24-105mm 4.0 L, Canon 70-200 2.8 IS L, and Canon 100-400 L. I will probably pick up the Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro and eventually the Canon MP-E 65mm x1-5 Macro lens. And THEN I'll consider the 50 and 85mm 1.2 L's...

I really need to do some research and start to do what you're doing.

06-22-2009, 05:02 PM
Hey Cory, shoot me an email. jcosterman@gmail.com

06-22-2009, 06:51 PM
So I should end up with...

Canon 10-22mm 3.5-4.5 IS, Tamron 17-50mm 2.8 IS EX Di II, Sigma 30mm 1.4, Canon 24-105mm 4.0 L, Canon 70-200 2.8 IS L, and Canon 100-400 L. I will probably pick up the Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro and eventually the Canon MP-E 65mm x1-5 Macro lens. And THEN I'll consider the 50 and 85mm 1.2 L's...

I really need to do some research and start to do what you're doing.

Yeah, I'm kinda waiting to hear about that new 100-400....see if it comes to fruition or not. If it does, I don't want to have already purchased the older one!

The 10-22mm doesn't have IS though. I'm debating on the macro lens. I want the magnification of the 100....but I want to be able to use the lens for other things due to the nice aperture, and the 60mm is more hand holdable. So, I'm still up in the air about it.

06-22-2009, 07:13 PM
Oh jeez...

I've been kinda mushy headed lately (allergies) and I've lumped "IS" in with it's "EF-S" description in my head. People are going to think I don't know what the heck I'm talking about with that lens. [8-|]

06-22-2009, 07:23 PM
Oh jeez...

I've been kinda mushy headed lately (allergies) and I've lumped "IS" in with it's "EF-S" description in my head. People are going to think I don't know what the heck I'm talking about with that lens. /emoticons/emotion-15.gif
<div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

It doesn't matter. We're all kind of mushy-headed, one way or another.

I wouldn't mind having an EF-S 60mm macro for the benefit of it's compactedness. Very easy to carry around. Having working distance is nice. Little weight and volume is nice too though.

I want a 135mm f/2 more.... 17th street photo coudln't exchange my defective copy, as they were out of it.... Where's B&amp;H!?

06-22-2009, 07:45 PM
B&amp;H is only (so far as I know) in New York. I just mail order from them being on the opposite side of the country (every once in a while I find someone cheaper - well, that I think is legit - but not often enough to bother anymore).

Here's one of the 2.5 second hand held shots I took with the 10-22mm...


06-23-2009, 12:31 AM
I'm impressed you got something we can recognize from that scenario!

06-23-2009, 02:19 AM
You took that hand held for two and a half seconds?? If so, that's honestly ridiculous....were you leaning on something to stabilize yourself?

06-23-2009, 02:47 AM
Yes, I was laying on my back, elbows on the ground.

Here's an interior shot taken in-flight (hard to stay steady) at 1.0 second. You're looking at the top of the ball turret, ammo feeding into it. Not quite sure what the yellow 'tank' is. Possibly either simply for oxygen or maybe oil for the machine guns?

/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.UserFiles/ just kneeling down tho...

06-23-2009, 03:36 PM
My two cents: don't put your name in the business name. Several reasons: if you want to sell the business, the new owners will HAVE to change the name immediately, losing a lot of clients right away and thereby diminishing the sale price. If the business ends up in legal troubles and gets publicity, you don't want your name in the headlines (at least right away).

Choose a business name that your competition can't use against you as a commonplace phrase in conversation.

Choose a business name that doesn't tie/constrain you to photography. I see this a lot in firefighting: fill-in-the-blank fire department decides they want new t-shirts, and gets "FITB Fire Rescue" printed on them. Then FITB Fire Rescue gets lettered on the side of the trucks, etc. It all happens because someone wants to get recognition for something they do besides their name, so they end up with name (and mission) drift. If you ever decide to do framing and your business name says "Photography", you'll have to rename (messy) or simply not attract as much business because of a too-tight name. (Or if you're real good on the biz side, make multiple companies and play shell games with the books - did I say that?)

Random suggestion: I worked for a guy who did DJ work, theater, all sorts of light/sound/scenery stuff. He dealt with Light and Sound Systems, so he named the company Liss Productions. With a tagline of Light and Sound Systems beneath the company name, there's a visual reinforcement to make the name more memorable. (I happen to pick passwords by a similar scheme, though I toss in numbers in place of numeric-ish words and use the shift key to help randomize things.)

06-24-2009, 02:38 AM
Yeah, that is something to think about. I doubt my little side photography business would get into any major legal troubles leading to publicity haha, but it's still a thought. Selling in time is something to think of though.

I'm sitting down with someone with a degree in marketing this coming week....I really want to choose something wisely. Thanks for the thoughts.

Anyway, on a side note, I ordered two more lenses today! EF-S 17-55 2.8 IS and the EF-S 60 2.8 macro! Will be here friday!