View Full Version : How would you go about selling your photo equipment...

06-24-2009, 07:56 PM
Just a question, I am not decided on it yet but I would like to know what options i would have...

Since I got my 70-200L IS, I almost never use my 17-85 IS as I use 50m 1.4 for other times.

So the nice and almost barely used 17-85, which is a great walk around lens, and for which I even got Canon hood, is sitting nicely in my bag. But I could use a wider lens, like 10-22mm, and I would consider selling my 17-85, but I have never done anything like this in my life....Any pointers?

06-24-2009, 08:20 PM
If you are familiar with ebay, that would be a good route. there are tons of lenses on there and if you lst it correctly it can be easy. BUt to be honest im suprised your not using either of your other lenses, only your 70-200? well if not then i would use ebay becasue i have used ebay before to buy and sell used equipment. I have never been let down and im sure you wont. The other option is B&H, they have a trade in department and its kinda like a safe option if you cannot sell it any other way. I think you could get more on ebay however. You can get a quote from B&H and see how much they will give you before ebay however. I hope this helped

06-24-2009, 08:28 PM
BUt to be honest im suprised your not using either of your other lenses, only your 70-200?

Oh no, I do use the other one, the 50 mm 1.4 ALL the time, and this is why I find 17085 not so much needed as most of the pictures I take (the kind I take) require pretty much 50 or 70-200. But i would love something wider than 17mm and this is why i thought of 10-22, it would be a nice set for my 40D. I love my lenses [Y]

And thanks for advice. I did buy stuff once on e-bay but never sold anything so I do not even know where to start, I will try to find out. I am not sure though if I am ready to sell it yet. I do like it for "all purpose" stuff, it is just that 50mm pretty much resides on my camera 80% of time, so why bother?

06-24-2009, 09:32 PM
The selling world may seem quite taunting at first... But let me try to help you out:

The Buy and Sell forum here would be a start - There are a lot of daily users on this site that might be interested. PayPal is usually the best and safest method of payment. It's (from my experience) an e-mail based money transfer system. Check out their site ("https://www.paypal.com/us/) for more information, and to set up an account. They charge a fee for use (~3%, I believe).

Craigslist is also a good place to place an ad (for free), and deal locally. Beware of "Nigerian" fraud (no offence intended) - I once almost shipped a camera to Nigeria after receiving a fake Pay Pal e-mail confirming the "buyer's" payment. It's usually good to mention "No PayPal, local cash deal only" in your posting.

Also, post a reasonable asking price. I'm sure you will make a good decision, but I've seen many who buy the 17-85 (I own it too) from Canadian retailers like Henry's and Vistek and expect their lens to sell for $500-$600.

Good luck with your sale! [:)]

06-25-2009, 08:28 AM
Hey BES, are you willing to sell just the hood?

06-25-2009, 11:49 AM
Hey BES, are you willing to sell just the hood?
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If I decide to sell the lens, then i certainly will not mind separate sell. I have not decided on sale so far, but i am getting warmed up to it as I want something "wider".

06-25-2009, 03:45 PM
Ok that's cool. Let me know if/when you wanna sell it.

Stephen Probert
06-25-2009, 03:59 PM
As Alex said, pricing is important. Depending on where you sell, you should expect to get different amounts for the lens. You should be able to sell faster and get more money on ebay, but the fees are higher than craigslist, which is free but has fewer people watching. A good way to figure out how much to charge is to go to ebay and search for your item, check the "used" box in the left side-bar, and then also check the completed listings. This will show you what people have sold their lens for. Look for the ones that sold for the most and see how they did their auction. I always host my own images elsewhere so I don't have to pay ebay and then I put image tags in the auction listing. I try to be strictly honest about the item for sale and show any cosmetic issues in the pictures (800x600px size for good resolution). If you can inspire confidence in your listing then people will be willing to pay more. If you are new to ebay, then expect your item to not go for as much as you don't have feedback history.

06-25-2009, 04:50 PM
I'd list it on FredMiranda if it comes down to wanting to turn it over in a hurry (a large chunk of stuff on there doesn't last more than a few hours). However, you'll most likely get more money out of it by going the Ebay or Craigslist route.