View Full Version : Poll: SD or CF on 60D, etc.

06-26-2009, 12:15 AM
Some rumers have reported that the 60D might have an SD slot. I think that it would be useful for downloading photos in the field and when traveling, since many laptops have integrated SD slots. Thoughts?


Edit: I have removed the 5D Mk. III from this poll, since some people may prefer SD on the 60D but CF on the 5D Mk. III.

06-26-2009, 06:48 AM
I'd guess most people would like to see future bodies they get take the same type of card as their current one due to convenience. If you take that out of the equation don't you think SDHC would be the way to go? They are tiny compared to CF and I've heard of CF slots getting pins bent. Is there some other reason I'm unaware of that makes CF better?

Tony Printezis
06-26-2009, 07:02 AM
I voted for CF for two reasons. First, it's what I have now. Second, I just like CF cards more then SD (and also xD) since they are bigger and, hence, harder to lose.[:D]


06-26-2009, 09:06 AM
And I'm not sure if others aggree, but I find them more rigid and harder to break. For some reason, I wouldn't mind dropping my CF card on the floor (don't worry, I only did it once[:)]), but with SD cards, their small size and plasticky feel makes me take caution when using them.

06-26-2009, 11:39 AM
All I really want is a public statement that says "we're sticking with XXX [for the next five years|until something better than what we have now comes out]". That way, I know what to stock up on. We have a 1D3, a 40D, a Rebel XTi, and a G9. That's two SD slots and three CF slots across four cameras. We have 7 large (4GB+) and 10 small CF cards, 3 large and 10 small SD cards - we've done charity events where we had mixed shooters AND quantity was far more important than size. That said, I wish my 1D3 had twin slots (not mixed), and I hope the 1D4 has twin slots (of either kind).

If I had my choice, I'd pick SD. Smaller cards means more cards in a given space (whether cased or loose), and the contact arrangement means less risk of bent pins.

06-26-2009, 12:50 PM
SD because I already have multiple SD cards and because it is easier to store five SD cards than it is CF. I also like that for SD cards its a "click in" card where CF you have to push in then push a "button" to take it out.

06-27-2009, 11:22 AM
I'm confident Canon will stick with CF cards in the 60D. In my opinion, one of the reasons Canon put SD cards in their (newer) consumer Rebel cameras is so that point-and-shoot users who upgrade to a Rebel can be at ease and still use the SD cards they are used to.

Since Canon has used CF cards with all of the XXD cameras that Canon has produced (10D-50D), I would only assume the same with the 60D. It would be, IMO, a big pain for a user who uses multiple bodies (older XXD and 60D) in combination (or even, say a 40D - 60D upgrade) to use multiple types of cards. That doesn't make sense to me.

06-27-2009, 03:06 PM
I'm confident Canon will stick with CF cards in the 60D.

Iam pretty sure about that as well.

In my opinion, one of the reasons Canon put SD cards in their (newer) consumer Rebel cameras is so that point-and-shoot users who upgrade to a Rebel can be at ease and still use the SD cards they are used to.

I think it's the new Rebels that should have double slots (CF and SD), if room allows of course, because they're being used as first SLRs by some as well as backup bodies by photographers that moved on to XXD bodies.

06-27-2009, 07:33 PM
For those of us that prefer SD, what kind of performance loss, if any, is there when you use a CF to SDadapter?

06-28-2009, 03:11 AM
I'd guess most people would like to see future bodies they get take the same type of card as their current one due to convenience. If you take that out of the equation don't you think SDHC would be the way to go?


I've heard of CF slots getting pins bent.

This is one of the problems with CF. In addition, SDHC is now as cheap or cheaper than equivalent CFs.

Is there some other reason I'm unaware of that makes CF better?

Theoretically better capacity, but this is negligible, as the SDHC cards have as much capacity as current CFs.

All I really want is a public statement that says "we're sticking
with XXX [for the next five years|until something better than what we
have now comes out]". That way, I know what to stock up on.


I also like that for SD cards its a "click in" card where CF you have to push in then push a "button" to take it out.

Me, too. I also like the data lock switch on the SDs.

I'm confident Canon will stick with CF cards in the 60D. In my
opinion, one of the reasons Canon put SD cards in their (newer)
consumer Rebel cameras is so that point-and-shoot users who upgrade to
a Rebel can be at ease and still use the SD cards they are used to.

Many P&S users upgrade to x0D-series cameras. I did.

Since Canon has used CF cards with all of the XXD cameras
that Canon has produced (10D-50D), I would only assume the same with
the 60D.

I would have assumed the same thing with the Rebel XSi.

It would be, IMO, a big pain for a user who uses multiple
bodies (older XXD and 60D) in combination (or even, say a 40D - 60D
upgrade) to use multiple types of cards. That doesn't make sense to me.

Many people use a Rebel series camera as a backup to a x0D series camera. Dual card slots would solve the problem of using multiple card formats.

I think it's the new Rebels that should have double slots (CF and SD),
if room allows of course, because they're being used as first SLRs by
some as well as backup bodies by photographers that moved on to XXD

This would be good, but I would also like dual slots on future x0Ds.

For those of us that prefer SD, what kind of performance loss, if any, is there when you use a CF to SDadapter?

I am not sure, but I think that it would be negligible.

06-29-2009, 11:24 AM
I think it's the new Rebels that should have double slots (CF and SD), if room allows of course, because they're being used as first SLRs by some as well as backup bodies by photographers that moved on to XXD bodies.
<div style="clear: both;"]</div>

Huh? I know Canon puts some of their newer technology in lower-end cameras, but this doesn't make sense. The Rebels are low-cost cameras. There's no sense in loads of high technology (or complexity that could lead to NO pictures on the memory card) in an entry-level camera.

07-30-2009, 12:11 PM
Nikon's new D300s has dual slots. (CF and SD)

Chuck Lee
07-30-2009, 01:25 PM
Nikon's new D300s has dual slots. (CF and SD)

Iwould want either this arrangement or 2 CF slots simply for redundancy if nothing else. I always carry a thumbdrive CF reader in my bag, so loading onto my laptop wouldn't be an issue. SD readers on laptops are hit and miss. Some have it some don't.

I'm not looking for a XXD, It's a shame that this wasn't included in the 5D MkII.