View Full Version : 24mm f/1.4 MkII vs 35mm f/1.4

07-01-2009, 03:48 AM
I rented both and found the 24 to be too wide and the 35 to not be wide enough (either can be fixed by moving of course). It seems the 24mm autofocuses faster, but the 35 produces better bokeh...so it's pretty much a draw as to which one to get.

I'll be using it mostly in f/1.4 to go along with my 85 f/1.2 II, so i'm wondering which one people prefer at f/1.4?

07-01-2009, 06:12 AM
From the focal length perspective, I prefer 35mm field of view overall, though I guess it depends. I'd guess the better bokeh is related to less background. Probably even better at 135mm [:)]

Seems like a field of view issue first...

If you get the 35mm, I can bring my 85, and we can match, on days I'm not matching Keithand his velcro shoes...