View Full Version : Space-Balls and Sci-Fi

Kyle Webb
01-05-2009, 11:49 PM


Kyle Webb
01-05-2009, 11:53 PM
The Details on the pictures I posted above are as follows:

For Space Balls:

Camera: Canon 50D
Lens: EF-S 10-22mm, f3.5-4.5
Focal Length: 22mm
Aperture: 11
Shutter Speed: 1/250
ISO: 200
White Balance: Auto

For Sci-Fi:

Camera: Canon 50D,
Lens: EF-S 10-22mm, f/3.5 - 4.5,
Focal Length: 22mm,
Aperture: f/11,
Shutter Speed: 1/200,
ISO: 200,
White Balance: Auto

The Canon 50D is superb camera.

Comments are welcomed.


Tom Alicoate
01-06-2009, 12:01 AM
Great photos! A lot of interest for the eye. The first one looks a little less contrasty than the second one which looks better to me. Perhaps there is just a touch of flare from the sun on the first one. A little PP could match the two up. Do you use a hood on your 10-22? I havethe lensas well, and have thought about getting the hood. It is so small I am not sure it would be capable of helping too much.



Kyle Webb
01-06-2009, 12:15 AM

Regarding contrast: I shot raw and did the post processing using Canon DPP and probably had just one notch more contrast or brightness adjustment over the other. In either case I only adusted brightness and contrast a notch or two max (not much adjustment). These pictures came out of the camera really good. JPG's don't look near as good as the processed Raw or 16 bit Tif's that's for sure.

Regarding a Hood:I do not have one. I use a back pack and the bulkyness of hoods is a real pain, some times I lose a good shot because I don't use hoods, especially on wide angles. For these pictures the sun was at my back and I don't think I had a flare.

I am just real happy with the performance of the lensthese pictures, sharp as a tack. Also, while I am at it, the canon 50D is a wonderful tool, I am really impressed with the image quality I am getting out of it.


01-06-2009, 01:10 AM

...I use a back pack and the bulkyness of hoods is a real pain


I always use the hoods (if I have one), but I do agree that they can be a pain. With longer ones I can store them reversed, but the hood for my 17-40 (which I believe is the same hood as the 10-22) I have to keep it separately in it's own compartment.

01-06-2009, 03:28 AM
i find it especially annoying when i can't use PL when hood is on, but the hood helps a lot, I guess, if i'm facing the sun, the PL won't work anyway, if i'm away from the sun(sun behind me) hood doesn't do anything. do you have PL on your sky seems pretty blue to me. what are other's thought on PL/hood combination?

Kyle Webb
01-06-2009, 08:56 AM

If PL means polarizer as in circular polarizer, then no I did not us a polarizer. I just had a UV haze filter. By the way the UV haze filter I used had to be an ultra thin one because of the ultra wide angle lens (damn things are expensive). If I didn't answer your question then that means that I am retarded and you will have to define PL for me. Thank you for looking an my pictures.


Bryan Carnathan
01-06-2009, 11:32 AM
I use a back pack and the bulkyness of hoods is a real pain

To compound the problem, it seems most smaller backpacks are designed for non-hood use. Nice shots. :)

Kyle Webb
01-06-2009, 02:54 PM
Thanks Bryan