View Full Version : Decisions, decisions...

07-18-2009, 01:14 AM
I'm having a rather difficult time deciding which lens I should next save up for. I've been looking at the 100-400mmf/4.5-5.6 L IS USM, and the 70-200mm 2.8 L IS USM. I'm going to be using this lens for shooting sports and wildlife. If I was to choose the 70-200mm I would use it paired with a 2x coverter for wildlife, likely.

For wildlife, my eye immediatly turns to the 400mm, simply because it gives me more range and I already have the 2x converter if I need to extend it even farther. However, it seems too slow for sports if I'm wanting to stop the action.

I'd like to hear some other peoples opinions before I make my own suggestion, so if you have one please share it.

Daniel Browning
07-18-2009, 01:50 AM
You simply have to decide what is more important: sports or wildlife.

07-18-2009, 06:34 AM
I have both lenses and they are used in very different circumstances. If you mostly shoot outside in good light and your subjects are in the distance (or small) the 100-400mm will be the lens (I shoot a lot of rowing regatta's with mine). If you shoot more inside and objects are closer (I shoot swimming, basketball etc) and also want a beautiful lens that has many other uses - e.g. portraits the 70-200mm is the lens. I'm not a fan of converters, I prefer to get the lens that suits the purpose but it would be an option if you found the reach of the 200 too short.

I bought my 70-200 first and use it far more as it is more versatile.As an aside, if you can bear the cost,I always tend to favour the wide aperture f2.8 lenses as they will always give many more light andimage options and invariably better image quality...good luck!

07-18-2009, 05:58 PM
Thanks for your insight Willcons,

I believe I've already made my choice to go with the 70-200mm f2.8. It seems like the best lens for me at this point. I believe that I will end up buying the 100-400mm eventually as it would be better for wildlife and some other projects, but the 70-200mm can fit into a more common use for me. (I live about three hours away from the Rockies, so while it's not far from me I still have to make a trip to try and find some wildlife).

I will definatly be saving up for the f2.8 instead of the f4, it will give me more options and will definatly help with outdoor football (American) photography and actual football photography. :)
