View Full Version : How much to get a lens repaired by Canon

Victor Pelino
07-21-2009, 01:07 AM
Hello there,

I have some horribly sad news. I was in a car accident 2 weeks ago. My car was pretty much mangled. My spine and chest in serious pain and I received a light concussion (so forgive me for spelling & errors!). But the worst news, as all of you probably will feel the same, my 70-200mm f2.8 L IS USM lens was flung across the trunk of my car...YES it was in a case. Still, it received some blunt force trauma. Now, its focus is sluggish and a little off and there is a crack in the glass on the side of the lens (covering the infinity info).

So? Anyone ever sent a lens off for repairs? What was the damage? I realize not every case is the same but I'd appreciate your costs anyway. The other guy was at fault so I have to come up with a price to tell the insurance agency to get it fixed.



Sinh Nhut Nguyen
07-21-2009, 02:36 AM
Hi Victor, hope you're doing alright now.

Here is the info to two Canon Factory Service Centers, give them a call and explain to them your situation.

Canon Factory Service
15955 Alton Parkway
Irvine, CA 92618

Canon Factory Service Center
100 Jamesburg Road
Jamesburg NJ 08831

Take care.

07-21-2009, 02:37 AM
Simplest thing to do is send it in to Canon. I'm sure the other guy's insurance company wants a reputable quote and that's the only way to get it.