View Full Version : What do you think?

01-06-2009, 03:31 PM
I went to St. Peter's Village in Pennsylvania yesterday, and with huge rocks and a quick flowing stream, I was quite happy.

Camera: 30D
Lens: 17-40 L (4 sec. @ f4.0, 17mm, ISO 100) w/B+W 77mm CPL


Stefan Stuart Fletcher
01-06-2009, 05:25 PM
I enjoy the sense of depth, the visual lead-in and the texture of those rocks. The composition is great IMO. I read Bryan saying how much he liked the 'smooth' texture of water with long exposures. I'm afraid I don't share his enthusiasm. It always strikes me as completely unnatural. To me it says, "hey, I've got a camera that can take long exposures, even though water doesn't look like that", but that's just a purely personal opinion and I am ready to face all kinds of well-informed and passionate criticism why I'm wrong! No, to me, this image's strengths have little to do with the water. I look forward to seeing more.

01-09-2009, 09:53 AM
I agree with Stefan about the water-thing; I like it a lot better frozen, but hey, that's just me =)

anyway, I also like the composition very much, the ice on the rocks gives a very nice touch to the whole thing...

02-01-2009, 11:34 PM
The composure is what makes this photo stand out.With the way you've got it set up, it makes it look like the water is gushing out of the corner of the frame. Looks awesome.I disagree with the other posts, the blurred water looks awesome. In my opinion, one of the best thing cameras do is show us the different ways water can be represented. I think it would be boring if we limited ourselvesto freezing the motion of water.

02-02-2009, 01:40 AM
great shot but if you want to capture a moment in time and space ...thats not water ..thats a computer generated shot ...i would rather see the photo as it was in nature ...great composotion but thats not a brook creek or any thing ive ever seen ...if you want frozen smooth water like that come north to canada and photograph ice ... then you have something ...but that is just my opinion

02-02-2009, 01:41 AM
you say quick flowing stream ....looks like a stream having a nap ...if you still have the original in raw withou t all the fake processing may we see that as well ...then we can tell you waht we like better

02-02-2009, 01:47 AM
I think I'm missing something.

It looks like a long exposure, hence the misty look of the moving water...

Are you talking about something else? Should I feel embarassed for not noticing it?

02-02-2009, 01:56 AM
no no all ... i guess i am missing something ...the image off fast movimng water ...looks dead to me but thats just me ...water moving is just that fast quick exillerating this looks like some else to my eye ...but to each his own