View Full Version : B + W filters Vrs Hoya

07-26-2009, 11:41 AM
I see that Brian recommends B+W CP filters. I was woundering what the difference is between the B+W CP filters as compared to Hoya & why they do not seem to be recomended as much as others. I was under the impression that Hoya were very good filters.

07-26-2009, 10:48 PM
Hoya's Pro 1 series are excellent filters, probably on the same level as B+W. Their generic filters, however, are not nearly as good. The UV filters will make your pictures soft, the ND filters will give you a color cast, and the circular polarizers are hard to turn. The higher-end filters (like B+W) will do much less damage to your pictures, and the polarizer turns more smoothly.

07-27-2009, 10:22 AM
Only difference I found is that I find my B&W filters to be easier to clean than the Hoya filtersI had previously. I found the Hoyas always ended up with streaksand I found myself avoiding cleaning them.

I will leave it to the pro's to talk about any image quality differences as I used Hoya on consumer zoom (17-85) and moved to B&W when I bought primes and L zoom based on their higher recommendation so I doubt its a fair comparison

07-27-2009, 11:52 AM
My local camera shop carries Hoya, so it was as easy choice. I use the circular polarizing orneutral densityformosteveryshot without any IQ issues.

My stock includes:

Pro1DCircular PL

Pro1D UV

Pro1D ND4

09-08-2009, 06:39 PM
Hi all,

I had the same question. I've heard a lot of good things from the B+W but I've also seen good reviews regarding the Hoyas. $150 isn't terribly bad for a CP filter but I found some Hoyas with decent reviews for half the price. Do you guys think its worth the extra money? I was hoping to use the 70 bucks saved on a new bag for my trip to Scotland!

Thanks in advance.