View Full Version : Canon Service Center (NJ) feedback...awesome!

peter buehner
01-06-2009, 08:40 PM
I just wanted to throw out some positive feedback for the NJ center.

They got my gear yesterday (Monday) and had my 40D back in my hands today (Tuesday) and I am in Maine. They replaced the wheel assembly (?) adjusted the electronic shutter, cleaned it, and updated the firmware. They still have my mrk III and some lenses but one day turnaround and overnighted to me is simply fantastic service.

that has just earned Canon more of my loyalty.



01-06-2009, 09:19 PM
I also used the NJ one and they cleaned the sensor for me for free and throw in the missing eye cup (it went missing when i came back from vacation.) and the best thing is they didn't even mention it.. came as a pleasant surprise