View Full Version : Gitzo head/plate with hand strap ???

07-29-2009, 04:21 AM

do you know whether exist alternative plate for gitzo heads (GH1780QR) with possibility to bind a strap to it?

I just bought new gitzo tripod (and head) GT1530+GH1780QR. I would like to use a handstrap on my 40D as well. (something like http://www.camdapter.com/products.html ). Problem is to mount handstrap to middle size body (40D) without battery grip. A special plate/adapter is needed.

But, I do not want to have two plates mounted. One to attach handstrap and second to mount into tripod head.

(example of plate with "eye" to tie strap to but does not fit to gitzo head ))-: http://www.kirkphoto.com/...PZ120.jpg&Size=266&Ratio=1&AutoCrop=0 )

Thanks and have a nice day ((-:


Bryan Carnathan
07-30-2009, 01:10 PM
Sorry for the lack of responses, but I am not aware of any product available for that function. You might try contacting Camdapter about getting a custom product made for you.

Bryan Carnathan
07-30-2009, 06:48 PM
Update: I ran across this product today:

<a target="_blank" href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/532339-REG/Gitzo_GS5160CDT_GS5160CDT_Arca_Swiss_Type_Plate.ht ml/BI/3152/KBID/4157"]Gitzo GS5160CDT Arca Swiss-Type Plate to Gitzo Quick Release Adapter

This might be what you are looking for.

07-31-2009, 03:04 AM
thanks for reply, unfortunatelly its not what Iam searching for. Iam keep searching but more than that Iam trying to convince somebody to build it for me ((-: I will let you know the results ...