View Full Version : 4th of July

08-06-2009, 10:19 PM
I'm very new at this and not sure about how to upload photos. I edited only in Canon DPP and reduced size through MS Outlook. I tried to upload a few pictures for comparison. This was my first attempt with fireworks. All comments welcomed. Help with uploads is also requested. Info: Rebel xti, ISO 100, 24-70 2.8 @ 27mm, Av = 5.6, Tv = Bulb


Chuck Lee
08-06-2009, 10:45 PM
I reduce with Irfanview ("http://www.irfanview.com/). Always check Sharpen when reducing. It does a great job and it's free!! Most people here post images at 800 pixels wide or less. 640 wide works pretty good especially when resized correctly with sharpening. Most of the Flickr crowd is limited to 640 or less. Keeps bandwidth down.

All comments welcomed.

MS Outlook is "not" what you want to use to resize an image. It reduces using a method called "pixel deletion" This may be the reason the light trails from the bomburst look jaggy. Other than that it's a nice bomburst. I would also crop square. The landscape aspect leaves alot of empty space on either side.

Here are some posted earlier this year. http://community.the-digital-picture.com/forums/t/1094.aspx ("/forums/t/1094.aspx)

I posted mine 800 wide. I have a 1920 x 1200 monitor that makes everthing look small. I've learned to be more subtle since.

Help with uploads is also requested

What specifically are you struggling with?

Welcome to the forum,


08-07-2009, 07:19 AM
Very nice picture I think. Did you use a tripod or not?

P.S I pretty much agree with everything Chuck said (although I think it's nice without the cropping as well)