View Full Version : Birds at the Bosque del Apache in NM, USA

bob williams
01-07-2009, 08:06 PM
Thought I would share this shot and though its far from perfect, I thought it would be fun to share the story behind it.

The Eagles: I saw my first bald eagle in the wild just last year so I am still excited when I get a chance to shoot this magnificent bird. I managed to capture these two eagles just after sunrise where they were perched in a tree, in the middle of a lake, about 300 yards away. When I saw these birds I realized that there was a need to have 2x extender in my kit and was happy I had talked my wife into one for Christmas. These birds allowed me to shoot about 80 shots of them and some of those shots were bracketed so I am going to try a little HDR on them later. Shooting parameters: Canon 50D, Canon 100-400L @400 with 2x extender, F11 (minimum with the extender) 1/640, ISO 400, Auto white balance, Some ps work=sharpening, saturation, and I had to clone out a small tree branch that came up from the bottom.


01-07-2009, 08:24 PM
very nice I especially like the sky in the background I feel it adds a whole lot to how beautiful the birds are.

One of the lakes near me has a breeding pair and a nest on it. The state hase about 150 yard quarenteen aroundt them. Its unfortunatly too far for my 70-300 to pick them out with, well done.

bob williams
01-07-2009, 08:27 PM
Thanks for the comment