View Full Version : 40D File Numbering question....

08-10-2009, 11:50 AM
I was wondering - I know you can't create folders on the 40D, so what's the plan when your file number gets to 100-9999?

Although in-camera the next file goes to 101-0001, when I copy files to Bridge (or wherever) they come over as 4-digit files. So now I've got _MG_0001 from when I first got the 40D, and the same exact file name from this past weekend.

Is there any way to avoid this without renaming the files? I want to keep the original file names. But can you somehow force Bridge to accept, or the 40D to transfer the folder number too? Or can DPP import folder numbers from the 40D? I can't find it as a preference.

I thought maybe when I tested out the 5DII at B&H the other day - I used a CF card in their demo, then put it back into the 40D later on - it caused something screwy to happen. But I don't think that's it. I think the 40D just rolled over to 101-0001...

Thanks for any input you can share...

08-10-2009, 01:09 PM
I doubt there's a way to avoid this without renaming the files.

When I sit down to format cards (after I've finished everything relating to a particular job), I reset the counter manually to 0000 (or is it 0001?).

I use DownloaderPro to ingest the images from cards. I let it make a directory tree (W:\Jobs\<job-code>\Import-<filetype>\<month><day>-<camera-code>) and rename the file (adding <camera-code>- to the front of the filename). Images are now in a directory where they aren't likely to have filename collisions (my jobs aren't long enough...yet...to shoot more than 9999 photos in a day). I do run the risk of counter rollovers, but DLP (should) prevent rollover from being a problem.

(Sample file: W:\Jobs\PW-Headshots\Import-RAW\0806-1D3-Pete\1D3-Pete-426C0219.CR2)

08-10-2009, 03:18 PM
I was afraid that was going to be the answer. For some reason I just like keeping the original file names.

I'm also a little curious how I got to 10000 files so quickly. I counted everything I have and I come up with approx 2500. It's certainly possible I deleted 1 out of every 4 images, but I can't believe I pressed the shutter 10 thousand times. That just can't be right...

All my folders are dated sequentially - year_month_day - and from one to the next, they all skip at least 100 numbers. Some of them skip 200+ numbers. I can't understand where all the missing files are.

Between that and those 10,000 clicks - there's just no way. Got to be something I'm overlooking...

08-10-2009, 07:30 PM
You mentioned that you put your card in another camera - I think that's the trigger. The camera will look at the card, and either through the images on the card or perhaps a magic file, it'll set the counter to the next sequential number IF that's higher than what the camera was at. So if your card was at 2000 and you inserted it into a camera that was at 8000, your card would now be at 8001 when you put it back in your camera.

Hence the reason that I format cards one-at-a-time (my 1D3 has CF and SD slots, but I only insert one card at a time during my format session), format, and then manually reset the counter on each card. Since I know the menus and my 1D3 formats fast, I tend to format ALL of my cards in it, then distribute the cards to my other cameras.

08-21-2009, 06:20 PM
Have you considered the options Canon's downloading agent, EOS Utility, has to offer as far as file name processing during downloading images from the camera via USB cable?

08-21-2009, 10:14 PM
Thanks, yeah, I don't know why I've been so dead set against renaming my files - there's really no reason to keep the original names.

I've been using Bridge, as it lets me keep the original file name in the xmp data. I'll check out EOS Utility too.

Thanks for the suggestion!

08-25-2009, 08:38 AM
EOS Utility can be configured to either leave the file names as they are, or modify them on the fly as you download the files from the camera. It does require that you download through the camera's USB interface, of course. If you want to insert the card in a reader, you have to use something else.