View Full Version : Anxiously awaiting the arrival of the 60D!

08-12-2009, 08:21 PM
I keep reading the web rumors (I know, lol) about the 60D. [;)]

With the market pressure Nikon has exerted lately and the grumbling the 50D has as baggage, is it possible that Canon will dazzle us with the latest prosumer body? Could AF advancements, lower high ISO noise, weathersealing and IQ refinements be in store for us Canon aficionados? The rumor mill is buzzing. I hope its all true and Canon makes Nikon back into a dirty word. [<:o)][:D]

Could Canon prosumer lovers have a big smile on their faces sometime this month? Will my trusty 40D soon see backup status? I'm excited. Come on Canon, let us have it!!!

Daniel Browning
08-12-2009, 08:50 PM
I'm not getting my hopes up. Nobody bats 1000, and the 40D and 50D have been stellar releases with tremendous new features and large performance improvements over their predecessors. That's why I think it's probably about time for a bit of a "ho-hum" camera release, like the 30D was. I would like to be wrong, but historically Canon puts out a boring one every once and a while.

Sean Setters
08-12-2009, 08:53 PM
Personally, I'm quite happy with my 50D. I've heard all the gripes about it, but with some good glass attached you can take superb pictures with it. Movie mode is probably the only thing it's missing that I wouldn't mind having. However, if it did have movie mode, I have a feeling I'd be spending that much more money experimenting with it (external audio, new support system, Singh-Ray filters, etc).

08-12-2009, 09:12 PM
I rather see the new lenses coming out like all the IS IIs instead. Plus the 60D would be more expensive and only for a few more features. I think canon should layoff for a while then make a stunning camera as good as the NIkon D200/ D300/ D2x.

08-12-2009, 09:22 PM
Puh-lease, let's leave the rumors discussion over at the rumors site. When they release something, we'll see how the features match up, and when product hits streets, we'll see how the performance performs. Think back to the AF, mirror, and oil problems on the 1-series Mark III models, firmware shortcomings/problems of the 5D Mark II, etc. Besides, Nikon will just fight back if they don't already have stuff in the works.

08-12-2009, 09:48 PM
Besides, Nikon will just fight back if they don't already have stuff in the works.

GOOD!!! Competition is what moves things along...I hope Nikon will come out with a nice affordablefull framesoon. Then maybe we'll get one.

08-12-2009, 10:16 PM
Just curious, how often does Canon release a new camera or L series lense?


08-13-2009, 12:27 AM

I've always thought the 40D wasthe lastbig upgrade followed by the 50D as a small "upgrade" [8-)]. Hopefully, the 60D will be the next big revamp.

Daniel Browning
08-13-2009, 12:56 AM

I've always thought the 40D wasthe lastbig upgrade followed by the 50D as a small "upgrade" /emoticons/emotion-43.gif. Hopefully, the 60D will be the next big revamp.
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The 50D has an all new sensor with 50% higher MP and gapless microlenses. The sensitivity (QE) and noise (read noise) are about the same (slightly improved). Pattern noise is improved over the 40D. A new and improved self cleaning design. The LCD improvement is huge: resolution, color, contrast, and viewing angle. Live view is much improved in feature, frame rate, and functionality. HDMI for tripod photography on-site with your high end client. Usability improvements like "My Menu". True lens microadjustment instead of just body microadjustment. Peripheral Illumination Correction.

To me, that is quite a significant improvement over the 40D.

08-13-2009, 02:35 AM
That's why I think it's probably about time for a bit of a "ho-hum" camera release, like the 30D was. I would like to be wrong, but historically Canon puts out a boring one every once and a while.
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HEY! You're insulting my poor 30D!

(whispers to camera)

"Don't worry little 30, you're 50% better than than silly 20D. Your model number proves it."

08-13-2009, 05:31 AM
I only just recently got my 50D, so i wont be getting a 60D anytime soon (when it comes out), and even if I could have waited I tihnk the price won't justify it, unless we are pleasently surprised!, but with the price MAYBE being higher, my next camer would be a 5DMKII, not another XX body.

Absolutely nothing wrong with the 50D, just a lot of people can't see the point in upgrading from a 40D to a 50D, but each to their own!

08-13-2009, 07:52 AM
It would push a 50D down in price. That's the most exciting thing about it to me.

Mark Elberson
08-13-2009, 09:36 AM
HEY! You're insulting my poor 30D!

(whispers to camera)

"Don't worry little 30, you're 50% better than than silly 20D. Your model number proves it."
<div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

Thanks for making me giggle in my cube after a night a almost zero sleep (combination of being a new father and smoke detector malfunction...it's a long story)

08-13-2009, 10:59 AM
Amongst discussion of 40D vs. 50D improvements...

Usability improvements like "My Menu".

Is My Menu better in the 50D than in the 40D?

08-13-2009, 11:30 AM
I don't really remember how the 40D menu looks like, but I'm almost sure 50D's menu is better. 50D's menu is like (I think) the menu on the 1 series bodies = with tabs instead of one long list like (I think) in the 40D.

08-13-2009, 12:07 PM
There is a part of me that says "I gotta have all those cool new features", but the other part of me tells me thatI haven't grown out of my 50D. This and seeing other people winprestigious photography contests with earliermodels ofXXDs and XXXDsmake mepass on getting a new body for some time andfocus on developing my technique and creativity.

Sean Setters
08-13-2009, 12:09 PM
There is a part of me that says "I gotta have all those cool new features", but the other part of me tells me thatI haven't grown out of my 50D. This and seeing other people winprestigious photography contests with earliermodels ofXXDs and XXXDsmake mepass on getting a new body for some time andfocus on developing my technique and creativity.
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That is an extremely wise approach... [;)]

08-13-2009, 02:20 PM
The 40D and 50D both have tabbed menus. The 30D and previous x0Ds have a single scrolling menu.

08-13-2009, 09:37 PM
"Don't worry little 30, you're 50% better than than silly 20D. Your model number proves it."

Now you're stepping on my toes! =P

But within the next year, I figure that I'll probably take out alot of dollars in student loans for college, so why not add $XX,000 worth of debt and get a gear upgrade as well. 1-series body, and thef/2.8L lens trio ;)

Haha doubt the parentals will approve though.

All seriousness aside though, I'd like my next body to be a 1 series I think. But that's far off. Very, very, far off.

08-13-2009, 09:40 PM
That's the way.[:)]

And I should remind myself of that more frequently...

Sean Setters
08-13-2009, 10:29 PM
All seriousness aside though, I'd like my next body to be a 1 series I think. But that's far off. Very, very, far off.

In all seriousness, I'd rather have a Matthew McConaughey body, but I think that's equally far off...

08-14-2009, 04:27 PM
But within the next year, I figure that I'll probably take out alot of dollars in student loans for college, so why not add $XX,000 worth of debt and get a gear upgrade as well. 1-series body, and thef/2.8L lens trio ;)

All seriousness aside though, I'd like my next body to be a 1 series I think. But that's far off. Very, very, far off.
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I remember a thread long ago, therefore probably on POTN and not here, where someone was starting their photographic adventures with a 1Ds III and what sounded like a blank slate for lenses (i.e. I'm about to get a 1Ds3, what lenses should I buy?). I think most of the replies said get 2-4 bodies and a slew of primes. There aren't many pictures you can't get on a lower camera that you'd get with a 1, but there are plenty of pictures you can't get without a fill-in-the-blank lens (f/2.8L is a start, but the fast primes are the real winners).

Having jumped into a 1 myself, I find myself wanting another 1 as a second/backup body; the other cameras just don't seem to cut it for me. (But I'm a features, user interface, geeky, "become one with it" kinda guy.)

08-14-2009, 04:40 PM
I agree with the above, as I'm making the jump to the L series lens on my 40D.

I've started off with the Behemoth 70-200 2.8 IS and my next purchase is most likely the 24-70, then possible another lens or start saving up for the 5DII or whatever is available at the time. And that's just to make the jump to FF over cropped sensor.

I have many photographer friends and this is and will always be an expensive hobby, but they told me to get a Flash and Lens first, then worry about getting a new body as those things you'll bring over to the new kit each and everytime unless you upgrade one of the lens. (for me that'll be the nifty 50 possibly) :)

I thought the same about the 50D when it was announced and I just picked up my 40, but I never did sell and make the jump.. and I'm glad I've spent my $$ on Lens over bodies!