View Full Version : Kelby Training: Joe McNally One Light Solutions

08-20-2009, 11:39 AM

Copy and paste the link from above or click here ("http://www.kelbytraining.com/player/index.html#180).

I'm just starting to watch them, but I found most of it interesting so far. If you're just getting into strobing as I am, you'll want to check it out :)


Vlad Xp
08-20-2009, 12:11 PM
I got myself into "strobing" about 10 month ago with just one Canon 580 EX II flash and a small Lumiquest softbox. Today I have two Canon 430 EX II's, two 420 EZ's flashes, three umbrellas, one 15" x 15" softbox, a 3' octabox, a Canon ST-E2 flash transmitter, a Sekonic light meter, light stands.... and a mountain of credit card debt. The results I get from off camera flash can't be beat, though.

Have fun with your new knowledge, and be aware it can become a very addictive and costly occupation [Y]

08-20-2009, 08:07 PM
it can become a very addictive and costly occupation

Haha. Already looking at second job options.. I only have a 430 EXII confined to the hotshoe as of now. All my resources are going towards getting that thing off the camera as soon as possible haha.

Just wanted to share a link that some might find useful :)


08-21-2009, 12:37 AM
Joe McNally just did, and I think is still doing his Kelby tour on "off camera Flash". They were in San Fran last month. Cost was $79 if and it was more than well worth it!!! 750 people attended. I sat right in the front(floor), and got to watch him do his thing for 7 hrs. The thing that I reveled in the most was this-he still makes mistakes, and admits to it, too. He said, and I quote" the minute you stop making mistakes, is the minute you relinquish being a photographer". Granted, when it comes to off camera flash, he knows what he is talking about, but watching him do his trial and error and watching his methods(and he explained everything, and you saw results immediately on 2 large projection screens), was by far one of the best lessons I have had to date, bar none!! And I know what you guys mean by it costs alot!! I've got 2 580EXll's, a 580EX, 2 30" shoot through umbrellas, 45" 5 way reflector, light stands, and an ste-2, and a lumiquest 80-20 for on camera. WOW. Check out his blog, too. Very informative.