View Full Version : Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L USM - good in low light photography?

08-24-2009, 01:21 PM
i'm looking for a general purpose lens, and im wondering if this would be great (if not excellent) lens for low light photography (i'll be shooting club events, parties and most of the time its not very well lighted). if this is not a good lens, what could be a good recommendation? i would like to bring the price close to $1000 (or less). thanks.

08-24-2009, 05:36 PM
It is a very good lens and quite versatile. There are some options in the prime arena like the EF50mm f/1.2 L USM which will open up even more low light shots, but give up the ability to zoom. I personally love my 24-70.

08-24-2009, 06:19 PM
thanks! the EF50mm f/1.2 L USMis a bit too expensive for me, and i am looking fora general purpose lens that is good in low light and the price is around $1000.

Keith B
08-24-2009, 06:28 PM
I have shot a few events in the same type of environments and I have say that even a 2.8 lens in not nearly fast enough. In clubs people are usually moving about and it is tough to freeze the action. So I'd suggest a 24 1.4 or 35 1.4. The 50 1.4 might be a little narrow, might be okay on a FF. If you have to go with the 24-70 plan on using a fill to freeze some of the action.

Sinh Nhut Nguyen
08-24-2009, 06:28 PM
f/2.8 is the fastest for zoom lens, if you want faster lenses you need to go with primes.

08-24-2009, 06:48 PM
I've got a buddy who does a lot of Vancouver's nightlife photography (clubs, raves, etc) and he uses a 16-35ish f/2.8 (not a canon, it's a third party brand) as he finds the 24-70 just isn't wide enough (and he uses a FF - 5DMKII - as well). He also uses a flash w/ an off-shoe cord set to 2nd curtain as a fill.

Check out http://www.sleepdep.ca/ and you'll see what I mean about needing a shorter lens.... I'm not sure I'd call it general purpose, but for this kind of thing it's really the way to go. I can find out exactly which lens he uses if you like

08-24-2009, 10:05 PM
I take a lot of photos in clubs and bars.

I use an EOS 40D, Canon 17-40mm f/4L and 580 EX II flash.

Most shots are taken at manual settings ISO800, F/4, 1/60 sec.

Flash full-auto E-TTL, and usually pointing upwards with Stofen diffuser.

So, thanks to ISO800, some ambient light will burn in during the 1/60 sec. The subject should look nicely exposed and frozen sharp, thanks to the flash and the smart metering which occurs.

Noise will be minimal on the subject, because the flash kills it.

I don't have a faster lens, although it would rarely be useful anyhow. The DOF is very small. Even at F/4, you have to be careful to ensure everyone's face is in focus, when taking group shots.

F/2.8 or wider can be of some use, i.e. for taking non-flash shots which look a bit funky.

Stabilisation is not really needed, if using flash. The flash is your stabilisation. And, in any case, lens stabilisation won't freeze the subject.

Stephen Probert
08-25-2009, 01:08 AM
I have the 24-70 and it is decent in low light, but for clubs and the like, you will need a prime and have to give up the versatility of the zoom. If you have 2 bodies you can get 2 primes. I have the 50 1.4 and it has opened up so many shots in low light (for 300-400 bucks), I just don't have zoom. Flash is another way to go, but this may not be allowed. If you have two bodies, get the 50 1.4 and then maybe the 85mm 1.8 to give you some versatility in framing, I think both of them can be got for around $1000 total.

08-25-2009, 01:33 AM
I really like the 35 f/1.4. One of my favorite primes.

the 50 f/1.2 was a wonderful lens, but it drove me crazy with the backfocus issues when not wide open. Given the choice, I'd actually lean towards the 50 1.4, just because it focuses reliably at all apertures.

2.8 zoom might be okay if you crank the ISO... But for night shots without a flash, i really like to stay in the f/1.4 to f/2 range most of the time. Depth of field is shallow, yes, so you have to be selective about your compositions. If you really want everybody in the shot, line them up and use a flash, but that's not all that candid, is it? Not saying you can't get good pictures with a flash, I just prefer not to draw attention to myself with massive bursts of light if I can avoid it. I also lack experience with flash. I like the look of off camera flash, but to get it to look good, I need to take a picture, then adjust, then take again, then adjust...

So, if you put a 24-70 on a 5Dmk2 (really good high ISO performance with full frame light collection and field of view), I think that'd be okay, though I wouldn't write off the prime idea still. If your body is a 1.6x variety, you might consider the 17-55 f/2.8 IS instead. IS won't freeze action, but some people will stand still, or at least not move too quickly.

But, I still like the look of available light with a fast prime, if it's good available light, and you don't have Sean Setters following you around with a dynamic strobe kit :P

08-25-2009, 02:48 AM
thanks so much for the responses. i think it would be ok with the 24-70mm but i think the concensus is really to go prime. some clubs allow flash, some don't. i think i might stick to primes for now, and maybe, when i earn enough money, i might buy the 24-70 (for dance floor shots from the 2nd floor). thanks again!