View Full Version : The Help Portrait Movement

08-29-2009, 04:58 PM
Not sure how many of you all have seen this website or heard about this movement but it seems really cool. Definitely something I'm going to try and get into here in Pittsburgh. Any other photogs close to the burgh drop me line on this site or email me at [obleyr (at) gmail.com] and we'll talk.

Let's use our passion for photography and give back this year!

Help-Portrait.com ("http://www.help-portrait.com/)

Video explanation ("http://www.scottkelby.com/blog/2009/archives/6301) on Scott Kelby's blog.

08-29-2009, 08:51 PM
I'll be doing this in Vancouver (well, Vancouver area) as well... definitely an excellent idea.

09-04-2009, 12:25 AM
So Jeremy actually cleared the concept up in the comments of Chase Jarvis's blog post ("http://blog.chasejarvis.com/blog/2009/08/jeremy-cowart-help-portrait.html) including the video.

Look about halfway down or more.

To anyone in the Pittsburgh area, there is a facebook group here ("http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=143036033435&ref=nf) if you would like to join. I will be leading a group of people as my senior project. We'll be connecting with local charities/homeless shelters and donating whatever they need. The portraits come last in my opinion. It's all about connections and helping out. Join if you can!