View Full Version : EF-S Primes??

08-29-2009, 09:21 PM
are they not economically feasible? i know they EF-S line is more geared towards consumers who are more easily satisfied with superzooms and generally not interested in primes. basically what i want is a 28mm equivalent that's fast and sharp i.e. f/2.8 or a good 50mm equivalent that's fast i.e. f/1.8. i know about the EF 20mm 2.8 and the EF 30mm or 35mm i can't remember which, but EF-S lenses are typically cheaper. if i'm not mistaken Nikon just came out with a 35mm digital only lens. anyways, that's my question. so somebody who knows more about the economics or engineering of it, i'd love to hear your theories. thanks in advance! :)

Daniel Browning
08-30-2009, 12:05 AM
are they not economically feasible?

That's my guess. I'm sure Canon does market research on this stuff, and it must be telling them that the market is not big enough to make it worthwhile (compared to other lenses).

Unlike Nikon, Canon does not (yet) have a "Pro" 1.6X body. I hope they come out with one. That would be one more reason for them to build short and fast EF-S lenses.

basically what i want is a 28mm equivalent that's fast and sharp i.e. f/2.8 or a good 50mm equivalent that's fast i.e. f/1.8.

I'd like that too.

...EF-S lenses are typically cheaper.

Yes. The only time they aren't is when the increased back focus (relative to image circle size) factors into the lens design. A design that worked well on FF35 may not work when shrunk down
for EF-S because the back focus distance would be too small to clear
the mirror. The 24mm f/1.4 falls in this category (15mm equivalent). One way to get around this would be to remove the mirror and go to an electronic viewfinder only. I'm looking forward to that in the future.

if i'm not mistaken Nikon just came out with a 35mm digital only lens

Yep. It's f/1.8, $200, and good performance from what I've read. Hopefully Canon will catch up.

08-30-2009, 12:52 AM
the one stop shop for answers right there [:D]

08-30-2009, 04:00 PM
sigma makes a 30 1.4 for crop cameras that is very similar to the 50 1.4 that just came out for FF. great build quality, yet I don't think it has the focusing issues that the 50 does. It is somewhat expensive, but a buddy of mine swore by it. Bryan has a review for it on the main site. Check it out, you might like it. Gregg

08-31-2009, 09:03 PM
Unlike Nikon, Canon does not (yet) have a "Pro" 1.6X body. I hope they come out with one. That would be one more reason for them to build short and fast EF-S lenses.

Could the rumored 7D fit in here? I really hope that it has weather sealing.

Daniel Browning
08-31-2009, 09:17 PM
Could the rumored 7D fit in here?

I hope so. All the more reason for them to build EF-S primes.