View Full Version : Pier Pictures.

Dave Johnston
09-02-2009, 08:16 AM
Hey all. I just came back from a trip to the beach where I took these two shots.I am really looking for some constructive criticism as most of the time people on flickr just blow sunshine up my ass. I am just and amateur trying to create good images. Thanks inadvance.

P.S. I only had a telephoto lens with me on this ocassion.


Canon 50D + 70-200 f4 L @ 70mm f11 1/50" ISO 100. On manfrotto 055xprob + vanguard sbh-100 ball head.


Canon 50D + 70-200 f4 L @ 70mm f11 153" ISO 100 on manfrotto 055xprob + vanguard ball head. (It was EXTREMELY windy at night here, as there was a tropical depression off shore.)

09-02-2009, 08:38 AM
Good shots both. I particularly like the 1st image. Where is the fill light on the supports coming from in the 2nd image?

Perhaps you could try darkening the centers of the lights a bit, they come across as too hot.

09-02-2009, 09:04 AM
Great! I especially like the first one, great composition, wonder how it would look with an exposure of 5 sec or more.. :)

Sean Setters
09-02-2009, 09:37 AM
I'll have to agree with the other two--the first one is more pleasing to the eye. I think that because the supports of the pier are angled it makes the pier look as if falling away from the viewer. Plus the large section of light-colored area doesn't really add to the photo.

Dave Johnston
09-02-2009, 03:18 PM
Thanks all for your critique. I think what disappointed me the most about the second picture was that the lights caused "hot spots" in the water. Especially the area where the water was breaking. I thinkI can probablyavoid this next time, by going to a pier that doesnt have any lights on it.

Where is the fill light on the supports coming from in the 2nd image?

There was a flood light on the underside of the building at the "beach" end of the pier that shined out towards the ocean. I didnt plan on it being there, but it kinda had an interesting effect on the final outcome. I will try darkening the light sources so they don't seem so hot. That sounds like a good idea.