View Full Version : Opinion on monitor specs

bob williams
09-02-2009, 07:14 PM
OK, I think this is a simple question---when searching for monitors for photo processing, what specs should I be most concerned with?

Chuck Lee
09-02-2009, 08:12 PM
OK, I think this is a simple question---when searching for monitors for photo processing, what specs should I be most concerned with?
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How much are you planning on spending?

bob williams
09-02-2009, 10:01 PM
up to $500, but would rather stay lower---Of course

Chuck Lee
09-02-2009, 10:17 PM
What size are you looking for? And please don't say "as big as I can get" ...LOL [:)]

Chuck Lee
09-02-2009, 11:01 PM
HP LP2475w (http://www.nextag.com/HP-LP2275w-Widescreen-LCD-616763222/prices-html]HP LP2275w- Around $425 1680 x 1050
<p id="productPageDetailsName" class="strictRule) - Around $550 1920 x 1200

09-02-2009, 11:04 PM
Just make sure it's not a TN Panel.

http://www.tftcentral.co.uk/panelsearch.htm ("Try http://www.tftcentral.co.uk/panelsearch.htm

Check the model there!

&lt;3 my MVA panel.

bob williams
09-03-2009, 06:23 AM
Well, unfortunately, the largest I can go is 21 inches due to the space limitations on my desk.

Bill W
09-03-2009, 07:35 AM

I just stepped out this quagmire after a month of research.

The number 1 priority (IMO) is an IPS monitor....and in your budget the HP fits and was my first choice, until I started finding reports of inconsistencies w/their quality.

I didn't want this headache, so I totally blew my budget (and put the purchase of the 10-22 further down the road)....I purchased the Eizo ColorEdge CE210W.

Good luck


Chuck Lee
09-03-2009, 11:06 AM
I purchased the Eizo ColorEdge CE210W

Well? How has it worked out? Are you WYSIWYG from camera to print?

I'd really like to know.......[:)] Expound on the ups and downs if there are any. Also let us know what printer your using and whether or not your're profiling.

09-03-2009, 12:42 PM
Since we're talkig monitors here, do you know of any laptops with IPS screens?

Bill W
09-03-2009, 06:39 PM
Chuck.....please speak in a language I understand. WYSIWYG?????? I'm an ol' retired fart just trying to get out of the crawling stage.

Monitor....I have a big S*** eating grin....I don't have any heart burn about blowing my budget and photography savings completely out of the water. The 10-22, or maybe the new 100 macro, will just have to wait!

I didn't realize what I was missing w/my pics w/the old monitor....just didn't know how rich the colors were. I was a little tenative w/setup after reading on-line do's and don'ts, but it was simple....plug and go. I just had to make sure my video card was up to snuff....it was.

Printer....Canon MP960....I don't print many pics (this is going to change after the 26th when I rtn from 4 days of roaming the 4 corners area and 3 days in Monument Valley) so I need to purchase a calibration program. Suggestions are welcome.

Sorry I can't give you some immediate printing data....but I will when I start printing later this month.

Mark Elberson
09-03-2009, 07:15 PM
Chuck.....please speak in a language I understand. WYSIWYG?????? I'm an ol' retired fart just trying to get out of the crawling stage.
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What You See Is What You Get

Bill W
09-04-2009, 08:00 AM
Thanks Mark....I'll have fun using this w/my "old" family members and friends. [:D]

Chuck Lee
09-04-2009, 10:37 AM
Sorry I can't give you some immediate printing data....but I will when I start printing later this month

Sorry about the acronym-eese ther ol' fart.......[;)]

You can, however, due a little experiment before you go buying profiling software. I advocate against it though there are many that find it the bees knees. (I know you understand that one). If you think a month of research was a quagmire wait till you get going with color profiling software.

Any how, to make a long request much shorter. Go outside your house and take a photo of some part of your home or yard or something in decent light then process it and print it. Does the print color match What You See on your monitor?

That's what I'm more curious about. If the Eizo was calibrated correctly at the factory the print color should be pretty darn close. Darker or Lighter is not a big issue.

bob williams
09-04-2009, 10:44 AM
Hmm, Maybe I should do the same, OOps, I already made that decision---I'm thinking, in-error. I purchased my 10-22 in July, and have only used it a couple of times--whereas, I use the monitor daily. I wish we would have had this discussion a few months ago. I will strongly consider your recommendation when it comes time for me to buy.


Bill W
09-04-2009, 12:28 PM
Now Chuckie....show some respect for your elders....I may be slow, but I'm vindictive as, well you know; that's as long as I can remember why I'm supposed to retaliate. [:D]

I digress....good idea....I'll do that tomorrow (Sat. 9/5) and let you know. I won't forget!
