View Full Version : Event shoot coming up... Preparation tips?

09-28-2009, 08:14 PM
Hey everybody...

I've got a shoot coming up this Friday at a non-profit organization's fundraising event. It's a gala dinner, featuring food, speakers, art, silent auctions anda professional instrumental group.

I'll be shooting mainly people - The speakers, donators (to the organization), executivesand performers. I'm looking to capture the mood of the event and the guests' reactions. I'm thinking of a photojournalistic approach, with some environmentaland candidportraits of the guests.

The images will be used mainly to promote the organization, a non-profit nursing home.This will be done through their websiteand in print.

I know the venue to be typically light challenged, and I don't like using flash during speeches or special ceremonies.I plan to use bounce flash for some of the shots and ambient for the others.

I've had some real trouble getting tightly framed captures of speakers at poorly-lit venues in the past with f/5.6 at the long end of the 55-250 IS, even with flash. At CAN $40, I can rent a 70-200 2.8 IS for the weekend and also use it at a shoot the morning following the event. Opinions?

I would appreciate any advice that anyone has to offer regarding the shoot or the gear ("/members/alexniedra/default.aspx) I'll be using to cover the event.

Thanks in advance.


09-28-2009, 08:45 PM
You could check and se how if there will be spotlights or stage lights on the speakers. Then you mightt be okay with f/5.6 @ ISO 1600. It wouldn't be pretty, but some noise reduction would fix most of it.

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2559/3927456745_32136eeae7.jpg ("http://www.flickr.com/photos/rodgerobley/3927456745/)

I got this shot with a 20D at ISO 1600 on a 70-200 f/4 @ f/4. It was lit by stage lights at a church. A good amount of noise reduction applied in LR2 as well as the exposure tweaked too.

My point is this: if you could get away with f/5.6 on your 55-250 IS to shoot the speakers, you might rent a 24-70 2.8 instead of the 70-200 2.8. (In my opinion, 24-70 is more useable at an event like you described).

Or, if you've got the cash, both the 24-70 and the 70-200, but it'd be a shame to spend a bunch on rental gear and not be reimbursed..

Hope I helped some,


09-28-2009, 09:29 PM
I'll be shooting mainly people - The speakers, donators (to the organization), executivesand performers. I'm looking to capture the mood of the event and the guests' reactions. I'm thinking of a photojournalistic approach, with some environmentaland candidportraits of the guests.

The images will be used mainly to promote the organization, a non-profit nursing home.This will be done through their websiteand in print.

I know the venue to be typically light challenged, and I don't like using flash during speeches or special ceremonies.I plan to use bounce flash for some of the shots and ambient for the others.

I've had some real trouble getting tightly framed captures of speakers at poorly-lit venues in the past with f/5.6 at the long end of the 55-250 IS, even with flash. At CAN $40, I can rent a 70-200 2.8 IS for the weekend and also use it at a shoot the morning following the event. Opinions?

I shoot a lot of events for non-profits. I'm weak at "engaging" people and getting the couples/groups posed shots at dinners. Trying to shoot candids without engaging them leads to odd facial expressions; without context I often find those shots useless. That context comes from shooting wide, and capturing a candid of the group, not the individual. All that leads me to say: don't focus on your long end.

I recently "also-shot" a wedding (I wasn't the paid photographer, but I was also shooting and not playing the role of guest). I was very happy with my 24-105 and 70-200, but noticed that the paid photog and his assistant spent at least 90% of the night shooting with 24-70s (on that other brand of camera...brand N). For website work, you'd be fine without a telephoto zoom; shoot with a walk-around and crop if you've got one good face you want to show.

At a recent non-profit dinner, my 70-200 got a good workout shooting the speakers, but mostly because there was no podium, and I couldn't get good shots seated at my table. I'd stand towards the rear, and that's when the white lens came in handy.

Keith B
09-28-2009, 09:38 PM
Just photographed an event this weekend. I shot with 2 cameras 5DmkII w/24-70 2.8 and 40D w/70-200 2.8 IS. and I totally could have pulled it off with the 5d/24-70 set up alone.

09-28-2009, 09:51 PM
Maybe I should consider the 24-70 L instead - You all have provided some great suggestions. Until Friday I'll keep on thinking of what I want to shoot at the event and how I'll shoot it. [:D]

Thanks for the help - I really appreciate it!

- Alex