View Full Version : How many shots did you take?

Fast Glass
10-05-2009, 01:38 AM
I was wondering out of pure idle curiousity, how many clicks on yoursingle shutter you have?

I'll start off, about 15,000 on a XTI. The camera broke before the shutter.

Themost I have ever heard ofwasa whopping4,000,000on a 40D!!!!!Now thats a lot of pictures!!!! Here is the link http://www.olegkikin.com/shutterlife/canon_eos40d.htm ("http://www.olegkikin.com/shutterlife/canon_eos40d.htm).

Keith B
10-05-2009, 01:40 AM
I have about 20,000 on my 5DII and about 30,000 on my 40D

Fast Glass
10-05-2009, 01:42 AM
Cool, keep on posting.

10-05-2009, 01:55 AM
After a little more than one year of use my little 40d is at 38,749 clicks.

Jon Ruyle
10-05-2009, 01:58 AM
About 28,000 on my 5DII.

I have about 70,000 on my 1DIIN.

4,000,000 is a lot of pictures. How much would that cost if it was film? Who says digital is expensive?

10-05-2009, 01:58 AM
Hmm.. I bought my 20D four years old, used on ebay. So I have no record of that usage.

But in less than a year of my owning it, I've replaced the "guts" of the camera due to an incident with a 250V flash (before I knew about the 6V EOS limit!). I think the shuter box was replaced in that repair.

Regardless, in less than a year, I've gone through the image numbering cycle once. Currently I'm on 5630, so that adds up to around 15,6309(ish) in my owning the camera.

Interesting thread idea.


Fast Glass
10-05-2009, 01:59 AM
Great. I love odd threads. :)

10-05-2009, 02:51 AM
4,000,000 is a lot of pictures. How much would that cost if it was film? Who says digital is expensive?
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I had someone question me on the cost of my first DSLR (i.e. they thought it was expensive). When I told them I took over 2200 photographs on a vacation immediately following the purchase and what it would have cost to buy and develop that much film they instantly decided it was worth it.

Fast Glass
10-05-2009, 01:16 PM
4,000,000 X .50 cents = $2,000,000!!!!

10-05-2009, 01:23 PM
I've got 26,092 on my Xti

10-05-2009, 02:27 PM
I'll start off, about 15,000 on a XTI. The camera broke before the shutter.

I have tried several EXIF readers and have not found one yet to tell me the shutter count on my XTi or 5D. What are you guys using to read yours?


Keith B
10-05-2009, 03:32 PM
I'll start off, about 15,000 on a XTI. The camera broke before the shutter.

I have tried several EXIF readers and have not found one yet to tell me the shutter count on my XTi or 5D. What are you guys using to read yours?


I don't I just go by my file names and keep track of how many times they roll over

10-10-2009, 11:47 PM
well i don't know for sure but i would estimate that the most actuations i've ever seen on a DSLR is probably my aunt- she has a nikon d50 and i think she's probably shot well over 5 million pictures by now. . . it's been maybe 5 years since she got it

Fast Glass
10-12-2009, 02:37 PM
well i don't know for sure but i would estimate that the most actuations i've ever seen on a DSLR is probably my aunt- she has a nikon d50 and i think she's probably shot well over 5 million pictures by now. . . it's been maybe 5 years since she got it
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WOW,thats a lot of shots. Can you verify that with your Aunt? You could use software to count the number of pictures on her camera.


10-13-2009, 10:18 PM
I could ask her, we're not in contact too often though unfortunately. I do know that she has the D50 and has completely filled about 1.5TB worth of hard drives as well as the hard drive of her computer. . .if somone could find out how many MB per file a D50 might output as jpegs one could crunch the numbers, in the mean time i'll try to get in touch with her and see.

Fast Glass
10-14-2009, 12:33 AM
Thanks, that would be great to see a more accurate estimate of how many pictures she took.

10-14-2009, 02:42 AM
I just got a D100 to use with the Sigma 400mm f/5.6 Tele Macro I received as a gift from a friend, and the RAW files I took this evening are about 9.5 MB. If your aunt isn't shooting RAW it might be hard to compare. I don't know the resolution of the D50, either, but the D100 is 6.1 MP.

Anyway, if she has the same res, and shoots RAW, and all of her storage is taken up with photos, then she has approximately 210,000 shots, assuming 2TB of total storage (1.5TB outboard and 500GB built-in).

In order to have 5 million shots, she'd have to have a data farm, and it would have about 48TB of capacity!

Even if she "only" has 210,000 shots, over a five year period that is still like 120 shots a day, every day, without a break for half a decade.

10-14-2009, 09:43 AM
132,013 Canon 1D II. My boss has about 300K on his 1D II

10-14-2009, 08:52 PM
I got my 50D on Christmas day 2008, I have taken 19,339 pictures with it.

10-14-2009, 09:02 PM
My old Digital Rebel XT had 36,000 + after about 4 years

My new 5D Mk II has 7,500 + after 6 months

I think I need to get out with the camera more to catch up with the pros.

10-14-2009, 10:38 PM
D50 is a 6.1 or 6.2 MP camera, and she shoots jpegs not sure what size though. Although this is sketchy math, my rebel XSi usually generates a 17MB or so Raw file vs. about a 3 MB jpeg,

Even if she "only" has 210,000 shots, over a five year period that is still like 120 shots a day, every day, without a break for half a decade.

you don't know my aunt [:)]i went with her when she was doing some pre-wedding shots for a friend and she took more than 2000 pictures in about 2 hours, and that's not at all out of the ordinary for her. She's not a professional either (although i think she could be). She just clicks off pictures like nothing. . . apparently before she got her digital she would go on trips and come back having shot 24 rolls of film, which is a lot of film if you aren't being paid for the shots. She just goes out every day and takes her camera with her and takes a thousand or so pictures.

10-15-2009, 01:26 AM
She just goes out every day and takes her camera with her and takes a thousand or so pictures.

Dang! And she has time to run those through post processing?! I find myself swamped with like three senior picture shoots that combined number maybe 1,300 files!

I wish I had her workflow!


10-15-2009, 03:28 AM
wow 4,000,000 seems nutty on a 40d wasn't it released in sept of 07? making it 2 years old so if he got his 40d the same month it was release he would need to have taken roughly 5,500 pictures every single day since he got it so even if he took photo's 8 hours out of every day thats 700 ish an hour Idk anyone who sprays photo's like that haha.

10-15-2009, 06:01 AM
On my XTi I just passed 16,000 today. I have had the camera for 15 months.

10-15-2009, 10:41 PM
it's a nikon d50, not a canon, it's been out for a while.

10-15-2009, 10:44 PM
She doesn't an enormously high keeper percentage, and she gets backlogged a lot lol. A lot of times she goes through them pretty quick in selecting and she doesn't really do any editing other than crops that i know of. Again, she's not a professional, just someone who likes taking pictures lol

Fast Glass
10-15-2009, 11:45 PM
wow 4,000,000 seems nutty on a 40d wasn't it released in sept of 07? making it 2 years old so if he got his 40d the same month it was release he would need to have taken roughly 5,500 pictures every single day since he got it so even if he took photo's 8 hours out of every day thats 700 ish an hour Idk anyone who sprays photo's like that haha.
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Itprobably wasa sports photog who doesn't have a huge keeper rate.

Dan Fleming
10-18-2009, 01:05 AM
I bought my XTi about 18 months ago and am approaching 11,000 shots. I whould be higher, but I entered grad school and don't have all that much time to shoot except during the summer and winter breaks.

10-26-2009, 08:26 AM
My origonal digital rebel had aprox 300,000 frames on it before I traded it at adorama after 4 years

I feel bad for who ever bought that used body

That lasted longer then my first mark III
I think that it was a dud though

Good luck and happy shooting

10-30-2009, 01:47 PM
Canon 450D, purchased roughly 16 months ago, I estimate about 11,500 images taken plus or minus 500.

I went to the Seychelles for a month &amp;snapped up about 3500 pictures alone. Thank goodness for my mp3 player (80GB)and it's data capabilities.

Now that I have upgraded my lenses to the little 'red' ring, I'm snapping up more and more.

Fast Glass
11-04-2009, 02:53 PM
Just bumping up the thread in case anyone is still interested in this thread.

It can also include film cameras too.


11-18-2009, 11:28 AM
A mere 7,945 as per EOSinfo..

Johnny Rasmussen
11-18-2009, 12:42 PM
Almost 41,000 on my XTi/400D.

Johnny Rasmussen
11-18-2009, 12:57 PM
I have tried several EXIF readers and have not found one yet to tell me the shutter count on my XTi or 5D. What are you guys using to read yours?


Hi Mark,

After I installed a firmware hack for my XTi/400D I got access to the actual shutter count. Before that I used to go by the filenames and keep manually track of the shutter count.

- Johnny