View Full Version : Senior Portraits - Last shoot with 40d

10-05-2009, 01:51 AM
I took some senior portraits today, please let me know what you think. This was my first time using pocketwizards that I had loaned out to me; they're much better than the IR thats built into my Canons and makes my camera a little lighter too. Too bad I don't have any modifiers. I guess this will be my last shoot with my 40d as my 5d II comes Wednesday. /elated =D

Our goal was to be as ridiculous as possible with the theme "the most interesting man in the world." Whether or not we get to publish any of these in the high school yearbook is no concern to be :P heh


canon 40d, canon 50mm f/1.4, iso 1250, f/2.0, 1/40 sec, tripod


canon 40d, canon 50mm f/1.4, iso 800, f/5.6, 1/250 sec, flash camera left

Vlad Xp
10-05-2009, 12:51 PM
Even though on the first one the camera's position is a bit low for my taste, I like how he appears tall, and important. The lighting and the overall exposure on that image are also done well.

Because of the high ISO, and 1/40sec exposure, looks to me that most of the light was ambient, and a little bit of flash was added to his left side to add contrast to his face.

Instead of the "most interesting man in the world" impression, because of the Playboy logo on the book, and the glass of questionable liquid, he strikes me more of the "most rebellious" type.

I actually like the second one better, but think that the glass and the book don’t' go well together. Maybe one, or another, but not both in the same shot. Good lighting on the subject on second one.


10-05-2009, 05:09 PM
Thanks vlad; no flash on the first one; we tried a bunch of different set ups with all kinds of light. I see what your saying in the second one.

"questionable liquid" - cola (:

"rebellious" - totally

"appears tall" - he's a giant in real life too