View Full Version : A Few Birds Ready For Critiquing

10-14-2009, 04:12 PM
Hi all. Just wanted to throw these up to hear anything anyone has to say about them, especially any suggestions I can keep in mind for future outings. Thanks!

1. Anhinga


2. Royal Tern in flight


3. Red Shouldered Hawk


4. Turkey Vulture


Daniel Browning
10-14-2009, 04:47 PM
Fantastic work. The subjects are all very interesting, and the compositions hold my attention. I like the light in all, but perhaps the shadows on the last one are a little too dramatic for my taste. The hawk is my favorite, though it might be a little more saturated than I normally like. I wonder if cropping the top of the Royal Tern image a little more and going with a 16:9 or 2:1 aspect ratio would be an improvement?

Nice work!

10-14-2009, 05:22 PM
Thanks. I might try doing that to the Royal Tern pic. I was wondering if there was another crop that would help that pic a bit!

As far as the vulture goes, I agree that it is a bit dark. The sun was unfortunately overhead so no matter what I did, I was always in the shadow [:(]

I'm not happy with the contrast on the Hawk pic. He flew himself up into a shadowy tree with the little spots of light coming through and shining on him and the branch, so evening out the tones was a pain and I'm still probably going to change some things...oh well.

Thanks for the critique! Very good advice!

Fast Glass
10-15-2009, 11:51 PM
IthinkHawk pic is a bit to contrasty for my taste, try re-postprocessing it in RAW with a little less contrast.

10-16-2009, 12:26 AM
I would recrop the Tern. The others are very good. I love the contrast on the hawk.