View Full Version : Post processing noise reduction in DPP

bob williams
10-20-2009, 09:22 PM
I recently shot a night football game in which I had considerable noise in the images. I painstakingly went through 78 images and conducted noise reduction operations in DPP---the immages looked pretty good---On screen. I saved them. But when I opened them back up, the noise was back. What am I doing wrong? What don't I understand? I also noticed that DPP did a much better job of noise reduction than Adobe Lightroom---Did I do something wrong here as well or is DPP really that much better at noise reduction?

Your comments, suggestions are appreciated,



Fast Glass
10-20-2009, 10:36 PM
Dubble check that you saved them, I know that if you don't save them DDP will do that. Yes DDP has quite good noise reduction.

bob williams
10-21-2009, 06:55 PM
ok, I went forward and did some testing--here is what I found:

1. IfI conduct NR on a single image and just hit save (in the edit window or the main window) No go, the image does not save.

2. If I conduct NR on a single image and convert and save to JPEG---Bingo, the image saves.

3. If you select the images you want to process, then (while in the edit window) go through and apply NR to all images, one at a time, you can batch process them to JPEG as long as you send them to a different folder or different file name. If at anytime to click out of the edit window and return to the main window, all NR is lost.

DPP doesnt seem act like thiswith the other editing options, just NR. Anyone know if this is a bug or by design? Should I reinstall?---I did notice that I am one update behind on my DPP, I'll give that a try and see if anything changes.


bob williams
10-21-2009, 07:28 PM
Dont I feel stupid----I did upload the newest revision of DPP---but no change. However I did discover the solution to the proplem is patience. As described above I would apply NR, save and come back to the image and no NR. However, During this last effort, I opened an image where I thought the NR failed to save, then I got distracted for a moment turned back around to the monitor and bingo, there is my image with the NRI had previously applied. It is clear to me now that i was expecting the saved image to just pop and it does, wait 10-15 more seconds and the NR isreapplied. I simply wasn't waiting for the thumbnails and detail images to fully update.

One more lesson learned[:$]

Daniel Browning
10-21-2009, 07:55 PM
...wait 10-15 more seconds and the NR isreapplied.

Thanks for posting the information. I'm sure this will hit someone else in the future, and now we all know what one potential issue might be.

10-22-2009, 05:48 PM
I think this is a feature of DPP, although that's not immediately apparent. But one philosophy of DPP is to never mess with your original image. You can crop, fix lens abberations, adjust curves, adjust sharpening and whatever, but everything you do is saved as a recipie, together with the original image. Henceyou can always go back and start over.Only if you convert and save are your actions embedded into the image you then create.

This principle also allows the ability to save the recepie to the clipboard and apply it to other images, single or in batch mode.