View Full Version : $500 Rebate on the 200/2L ......currently.

10-22-2009, 03:07 PM
May be everyone already knows this but just in case to let you know that when I placed my order for this lens this a.m. at B&H, I got a $500 instant savings/Rebate.

Just FYI .....

Sean Setters
10-22-2009, 05:43 PM
I was hoping there was a big round of rebates I missed...but it seems fairly specific to that lens.

10-22-2009, 05:47 PM
It appears that to be the case. The amazing thing is that I just decided on that lens after much deliberation yesterday afternoon and today when I finally was ready to place the order, it was $500 off![:D]

Fred Doane
10-22-2009, 05:55 PM
With only a quick glance B&H also has the 70-200 L 2.8 ISfor $200 off ($1799.95 now)and the 24-70 L 2.8 for $80 off ($1299.95 now). The strobes seem to have an instant rebate as well. The 580 ex II is $50 off ($395.00 now) and I know the macro ringlights are discounted too. I'm sure there are others but those are the ones that stuck out from my quick glance so if anyones interested nows the time tobuy before they raise the price the same amount as the discount as they've been known to do.
