View Full Version : I'm officially a strobist!

10-24-2009, 05:20 AM


Both with Kit lens @ 18mm on Canon XS. Strobist: triggered with ctr-301p. 430 EXII through a white table cover @ 1/4 power camera front and Kodak P20 @ 1/4 power bare cameraright (behind subject).

I was just messing around quite literally on a random note. Hence the white table cover cloth. I have not bought any strobist gear except the triggers and flashes. Soon I will be getting more!

Just so happy to be venturing into strobism!

10-24-2009, 05:29 AM
Great! I'm also about to buy my ctr-301p I believe. Where did you get it from and how much did you pay for it?

Is there anything I should know about it?

10-24-2009, 05:44 AM
Ebay for 58.99 (plus 8% Ebay discount on technology). I bought the 3 receiver and 1 transmitter set btw.

Do know that if you do buy them from the original seller they may/will take longer to ship than normal since it is coming from China. Ireceived my units in eight days (Hong Kong to Southern California). Also since it is coming from China, you won't have a shipping code to check like you would with FedEx, UPS or USPS.

I have only used them once (just right now, two hours ago) so I do not have much insight yet. One weird thing was that when I first started shooting, my 430 exii would not flash at first, but I just restarted the receiver and flash and then all was fine.

If I was to say one last thing, I would suggest already getting other strobist gear too. Well at least a white umbrella with stand. Sean Setters may have some better insight into that. I just know that I wish I already had one just now while shooting.

10-24-2009, 06:39 AM
Hmmm... so you suggest that when buying from ebay, the shipping is faster? I'm not sure if it makes sense as you said it came from Hong Kong anyway.

10-24-2009, 01:26 PM
Hmmm... so you suggest that when buying from ebay, the shipping is faster? I'm not sure if it makes sense as you said it came from Hong Kong anyway.

They are only sold on ebay mostlyby the original Hong Kong seller (hkyongnuophotoequipment[/b] (http://myworld.ebay.com/hkyongnuophotoequipment/][b]<span style="color: #0000cc;)). Well there are a bunch of people selling them after they buy them from HK, but I would go with the original seller. You cannot buy them from HKYongNuo's website. Does that clarify?

Here is exactly what I purchased: http://cgi.ebay.com/CTR-301P-Wireless-Flash-Trigger-3-Receiver-w-PC-Sync_W0QQitemZ160348428942QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_De faultDomain_0?hash=item255582da8e ("http://cgi.ebay.com/CTR-301P-Wireless-Flash-Trigger-3-Receiver-w-PC-Sync_W0QQitemZ160348428942QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_De faultDomain_0?hash=item255582da8e).