View Full Version : Annie Leibovitz is shooting Canon again

Keith B
10-28-2009, 01:51 AM
I saw her shooting Nikon in the Profoto thing a while ago but the recent Vogue cover she is definitely shooting Canon. It appears to be a 1Ds III wth a 24-70.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss1lZHj0VSk&feature=fvsr ("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss1lZHj0VSk&feature=fvsr)

10-29-2009, 11:32 AM
I'm wondering how the heck she can afford new Canon gear. LOL

ps, I know she doesn't pay for any gear... [;)]

Keith B
10-29-2009, 11:55 AM
I'm wondering how the heck she can afford new Canon gear. LOL

Yeah with her filing bankruptcy and all.

The only time I saw her shooting 35mm DSLR that wasn't Canon was the Profoto thing. I was told she was actually paid to use the Nikon in that. It seems when it is her own gig she is using Canon.

ps, I know she doesn't pay for any gear... /emoticons/emotion-5.gif

In the bankruptcy statement it said she is in substantial debt to companies for damaging gear that was loaned to her. I found that interesting.