View Full Version : 1D mk III Af problems : where are we now ?

11-13-2009, 05:40 PM
Hello to all,

I'm planning to go FF (coming from a 50D) and hesitating between 1D mk III and 5D Mk II.

As I plan to make some sport shots, the 5D II seems too slow (is it ... really ?) but the 1D III seems to have these AF problems. It makes too much "seems" for this prices tag. So :

Regardless of the price (it'a mid term buy), weight, etc.

1. Are AF problems really bugging 1D III. Is it solved by new firmware ?

2. I've also read that 5D II could have more fps on latest firmware. Is that true ?

What are your experiences with these cams ?

Thanks a lot for your help

11-13-2009, 05:50 PM
I have both cameras and use the 5D MII primarily for portraits and landscapes. The IQ is spectacular with the right lens. I picked up a new 1d MIII about 3 months ago and have no AF issues with it at all. I have used the 1d MIII to shoot action sequences both indoors and outdoors.

When shooting sports, I usually use the 5d MII as a back up camera with a wide angle lens so that I don't have to switch lenses and miss the shot.

Both cameras are excellent and I am sure that either one will make you happy.

Fred Doane
11-13-2009, 06:01 PM

1. Are AF problems really bugging 1D III. Is it solved by new firmware ?
I believe you are mistaken. When you said FF (full frame) you have to be refering to the 1Ds Mark III not the 1D Mark III. There is a big difference. There was no autofocus issues related with the 1Ds Mark III it was the 1D Mark III and those issues were resolved over a year and a half ago. In fact the 1Ds Mark III despite being released a year before the 5D Mark II has a more advanced focusing system then the newer 5D Mark II.

2. I've also read that 5D II could have more fps on latest firmware. Is that true
The 5D Mark II fps firmware update you are refering to only affects the camera in Movie mode to give the user more options as to frame rates for movie recording only. It does not give you more FPS for still shooting.


11-13-2009, 06:04 PM
I'm planning to go FF (coming from a 50D) and hesitating between 1D mk III and 5D Mk II.

But you do know that the 1D Mark III is APS-H format with a 1.3 field of view crop factor, right? Or perhaps you meant to say the 1Ds Mark III?

As I plan to make some sport shots, the 5D seems too slow (is it ... really ?)

In my opinion, the main dissadvantages of the 5D are the relatively long shutter lag and low fps. With the 1D Mark III, you can work quickly and the camera will keep up with the sports action, as long as you have your finger on the shutter release. Of course, if, say, you purchased the 5D for landscape or portrait work, it will work fine for occasional sports shooting. If you`re looking for a dedicated sports camera, look no further than the 1D Mark III. In my opinion the 1D Mark III was the best sports body Canon offered prior to the release of the 1D Mark IV.

Regardless of the price (it'a mid term buy), weight, etc.

From what I have heard, the original autofocus malfunction has been remedied and all new 1D Mark IIIs are shipped already repaired.

2. I've also read that 5D could have more fps on latest firmware. Is that true ?

I haven`t heard anything of this. But maybe you are correct.

11-13-2009, 06:38 PM
Sorry, yes, I've mistaken the 1D III for a FF. I believe the size/shape of the cam did that.

Thanks for the AF and fps information.

The choice is very difficult now. Pls some more help :

Regarding only the fps (which seems crucial for freezing sport action) and the fact that the 50D (1.6x) is faster than the 5 D III (FF) but less than the 1 D III (1.3x)

Wouldn't it be best to keep the 50D for sport (is ist a big difference, in quality, between a 1.6x and 1.3x - 1D III - except for the scene size taken) and buy the 5D II for portrait / landscape (where FF seems really a plus) ?

Or said differently, would I, starting form the 50D, gain more in image quality in the FF of the 5D II, for portrait/landscape than the 6.3 to 10 of the 1d III in speed for sport ???

11-13-2009, 07:00 PM
I believe the size/shape of the cam did that.

And it's built like a tank, too... [:D]

Wouldn't it be best to keep the 50D for sport (is ist a big difference, in quality, between a 1.6x and 1.3x - 1D III - except for the scene size taken) and buy the 5D II for portrait / landscape (where FF seems really a plus) ?

You're thinking very clearly about your needs. I would probably keep the 50D for the sports action, and get a 5D Mark II for portrait and landscape work. I think you will appreciate the 5D Mark II's features much more in your portrait and landscape work. It's definetaly the body of choice in those areas of photography. Also, you'll gain true wide-angle lens coverage, so there is no field of view crop factor - Which is very handy in landscape photography and environmental portraits. Also, the 5D Mark II will be very handy for some sports photography
situations. For instance, you can appreciate the high ISO performance
in poorly lit gyms or night events.

Or said differently, would I, starting form the 50D, gain more in image quality in the FF of the 5D II, for portrait/landscape than the 6.3 to 10 of the 1d III in speed for sport ???

That's a good way to think about it. If I were in your position, I would go for the 5D Mark II, but it all comes down to you and your gut feeling. I suggest trying/renting the bodies prior to making a purchase decision to get an overall understanding of the feel and features of both cameras.

Good luck with your search!

Jon Ruyle
11-13-2009, 07:06 PM
Sorry, yes, I've mistaken the 1D III for a FF.

If *only*...

Of course, I don't shoot sports/action, so my vote does not count. Even so, I'd have gotten the 1DIII in a heartbeat if it was ff.

11-16-2009, 04:49 PM
I believe you are mistaken. When you said FF (full frame) you have to be refering to the 1Ds Mark III not the 1D Mark III. There is a big difference. There was no autofocus issues related with the 1Ds Mark III it was the 1D Mark III and those issues were resolved over a year and a half ago.
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I don't want to put 100% faith in the reports and "testing" by Rob Galbraith, but he did say that the 1Ds Mark III had the same problems as the 1D Mark III. Fact remains though that the two third-generation 1-series bodies used the same AF sensor and presumably the same electronics behind it, so the problems are likely consistent across platforms.

RG also comments that the AF problems aren't 100% resolved, and I want to agree. I shot a bicycling race two weeks ago, and have some prime examples of backfocused action shots where the subjects were coming straight at me at about 10mph (one mile uphill, I was looking straight down the white stripe) and the blacktop is sharper just behind the two riders. I'd also suspect that if the AF problems were fixed, the 1D Mark IV would use the same AF system as its predecessor, but definitely doesn't.

Fred Doane
11-16-2009, 05:38 PM
I shot a bicycling race two weeks ago, and have some prime examples of backfocused action shots where the subjects were coming straight at me at about 10mph (one mile uphill, I was looking straight down the white stripe) and the blacktop is sharper just behind the two riders. I'd also suspect that if the AF problems were fixed, the 1D Mark IV would use the same AF system as its predecessor, but definitely doesn't.


I'm not aware of any camera with 100% focus hit rate. I would not assume that just because Canon used a newer focusing system in the 1d Mark IV that the last one was a complete failure on the 1D Mark III. Many people using the original canon 5D question how Canon could use the same poor3 year old AF system on the new 5D Mark II knowing it was completely not sufficient as almost anyone using the camera will admit.

Roland Scheiner
11-16-2009, 05:51 PM
Hello, may I say a few words about myself. - please see my bio and my profile.

I am a "german satellite" to the community and a member only since Nov 4 th.

Until now I exclusely used a Nikon gear, because I was very dissapointed about the speed and the autofocus of the D 300. I changed to Canon and I bought a 1D Mark IV which will be hopefully available in December. AdditionallyI bought a 5D Mark II today. The reason: Excactly for the same usage like Julius.

I don&acute;t have any experience yet because I didn&acute;t use the 5 D Mark II yet. At the time I read a lot about the two cameras and digital processing and storage. I wiil come back to this matter in a few days when I know more. My major question beside others will be: Jpeg or RAW.

I say thank you in advance for your answers. If my lingual mistakes are too bad, please correct me. Thank you.

Roland Scheiner

11-16-2009, 06:06 PM
I'm not aware of any camera with 100% focus hit rate.
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Fair enough, but the shot wasn't asking a lot of the camera. I'll go back to P&amp;S now.

01-15-2010, 05:32 PM
Hello, may I say a few words about myself. - please see my bio and my profile.

I am a "german satellite" to the community and a member only since Nov 4 th.

Until now I exclusely used a Nikon gear, because I was very dissapointed about the speed and the autofocus of the D 300. I changed to Canon and I bought a 1D Mark IV which will be hopefully available in December. AdditionallyI bought a 5D Mark II today. The reason: Excactly for the same usage like Julius.

I don&acute;t have any experience yet because I didn&acute;t use the 5 D Mark II yet. At the time I read a lot about the two cameras and digital processing and storage. I wiil come back to this matter in a few days when I know more. My major question beside others will be: Jpeg or RAW.

I say thank you in advance for your answers. If my lingual mistakes are too bad, please correct me. Thank you.

Roland Scheiner
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Mein Freundin ist Deutsche und ich kann etwas sprechen - wenn ich etwas f&uuml;r dich &uuml;bersetzen oder erklaren kann dann frag einfach ;).

Roland Scheiner
01-28-2010, 05:27 PM
OKAY THEN I ask: How can I can up load pictures which I took to this forum. It &acute;s will an undisovered secret. My request in german:

Wie kann ich Photos hier hochladen. Die Maximalgr&ouml;&szlig;e kenne ich, aber wie man das macht, habe ich leider nicht herausfinden k&ouml;nnen.

F&uuml;r Eure Hilfe und genaue Beschreibung, wie man das macht, w&auml;re ich Euch sehr dankbar.


01-28-2010, 06:28 PM
When you post or reply, there's a row of buttons at the top of the composition window. One of these looks like a filmstrip, and is the "insert media" button. That's where/how you insert a file.

01-28-2010, 08:50 PM
Hi Roland,

Welcome to the forums (and the land of Canon).

Just make sure to resize your image to 800 pixels wide before uploading. Otherwise we won't see the entire image.


01-28-2010, 11:52 PM
Hi Peety3,

Question regarding about your comments on your shooting example "blacktop is sharper just behind the two riders", maybe its nothing to do with 1D MK III AF issue...... could it be possible miss foucs by yourself?

Because lots people discussed 1D MK III miss focus even with hardware/software upgrades...... but I never see some kind of sample photos or trials etc.....

I really hope if anyone could show some examples or trials etc... Coz currently own 1D MK III and I didn't found any issue with AF...


01-29-2010, 02:49 AM
I have used a Mark III in low light/high movement environments and never experienced focusing issues which were not the fault of the operator; me! I enjoy the 1.3 crop and the dynamic color range of the camera. I have only used a rental 5DMII to see its capabilities. Remarkable color and resolution, but it lacked features I need in my work. It all depends on what you want to use your camera to capture and every piece of equipment has trade offs.

I currently use both the 1D Mark IV and 1D Mark III. Buy what you feel will best meet your needs for the primary subject matter and environments in which you capture imagery. Your skills will be the most telling part of any image. Best of luck in your choice.

01-29-2010, 09:15 AM
Some example shots from 2010 Australian Open last week, all used 1D Mark III handheld

1D Mark III + 300mm f2.8 IS USM with ISO100, f2.8, 1/1000


1D Mark III + 300mm f2.8 IS USM with ISO100, f2.8, 1/800


1D Mark III + 300mm f2.8 IS USM with ISO100, f4.0, 1/1600


1D Mark III + 300mm f2.8 IS USM with ISO100, f2.8, 1/2000


Some friends in AUS Open :P


Roland Scheiner
01-29-2010, 10:31 PM

Roland Scheiner
01-29-2010, 10:35 PM
This is one of my first pictures taken with my new 5DMarkII. It shows a tiny lake half frozen in my home town Marktheidenfeld, Bavaria Germany. This picture was not digitally processed, it shows what the camera captured through the lens.

ISO 400; 500, f11,

Daniel Browning
01-29-2010, 11:23 PM
This is one of my first pictures taken with my new 5DMarkII.

Nice photo, Roland. I love reflections. I can't quite figure out what it has to do with this thread, but that's alright. [:D]

01-30-2010, 12:11 AM
Are those mono pods being used to hold those "cannons?"