View Full Version : New wedding photos

11-17-2009, 02:18 PM
I recently had a chance to photograph a wedding. Let me know what you think. Good or bad, I would appreciate any comments you may have. Thanks.







Sean Setters
11-17-2009, 02:36 PM
I like the content and composition of the shots--however, I'm not a fan of the post processing. I really don't like the white vignette especially combined with images that have rich blacks in them.

Fred Doane
11-17-2009, 03:07 PM

Before I even read Seans reply Istrongly dislike the reverse vignetting on the images however I love the shot of the bride and groom you did with the zooming effect in post processing. If you use aslower shutter speed while on a tripod and you zoom in while your taking the picture you can do that without the post processing.It is definitely the favorite of the bunch for me though.


11-17-2009, 03:32 PM
Thanks guys for your comments. I was wondering about the reverse vignetting and how that would turn out. I did them with the proper way also. I haven't been a van of the vignetting of photos, but thought I would give it a shot with a couple of these. Good thing lightroom makes quick editing and saving of stuff like that.

The zoom picture was done withPhotoshopusing the radial blur feature. Sad part was I messed with that photo for 20 minutes to get it right and then I found a tutorial onyou tubethis morning that made it 10 times easier.


11-17-2009, 03:44 PM
Here are the others with the proper vignetting. I also tried another zoom one withGaussianblur. ???






11-18-2009, 07:34 AM
IMO, I think the white vignetting is way to much. The shots themselves are great, I post process, but only to tidy them up etc. Too much post processing can makes good pictures look bad.

11-19-2009, 08:59 PM
Personally the must be "GET INTO IT' i.e more close up.[:D]

11-21-2009, 10:29 PM
I agree with the other commenters about the vig. But the one that stopped my heart was the zoom blur one. . . I just thought "He must have either a lot of confidence in his abilities or he's crazy to do that at the wedding. . ." and then it turned out to be PP so coronary averted lol. Doing a zoom blur w/o PP is hard especially if you want to keep things sharp, I've found that if you move toward/things move toward you and you keep them in the center of the frame just the center stays in focus and it makes a nice effect.

11-21-2009, 11:22 PM
NO way I would have tried that live!... I was trying to get everything and at the same time trying to figure out which lens I needed to use. I was planning on doing most stuff PP, just needed to make sure I got the shot. I would have had a coronary if I would have tried that live. I agree with the comments on the initial photos. They are a little strong and the second set is more natural. I was hoping to get some good opinions on this subject and the forums didn't disappoint. Thanks for everyone that has commented.