View Full Version : 50D & 70-200 are fast

12-02-2009, 10:18 AM
<p class="MsoNormal"]<span><span>I just wanted to demonstrate
how fast the Canon 50D &amp; 70-200 2.8 IS really are.<span> When I saw my son playing in the leaves, I just
grabbed my camera as it sat on my desk.<span>
The 9 point focus was set at the 2 o&rsquo;clock position.<span> In the full size raw image, the moving leaves
in front of his face are supper sharp. Great camera and lens. <span>Other settings: 1/100 f/3.5 ISO 400.


12-02-2009, 01:10 PM
Yep, it's a good combo, and that lens sure is nice. I will warn you about this: don't ever rent the 200mm f/2.0L...you'll think your 70-200/2.8 isn't so great anymore. :)

Jon Ruyle
12-02-2009, 01:17 PM
I will warn you about this: don't ever rent the 200mm f/2.0L

I can tell you I for one would never do such a thing.

After all, I *like* my 70-200. I want to keep on liking it :)