View Full Version : Does anyone use DxO Optics Pro?

Tony Printezis
12-02-2009, 10:05 PM
Hi all,

Does anyone use DxO Optics Pro? I downloaded the trial version

http://www.dxo.com/intl/photo/dxo_optics_pro ("http://www.dxo.com/intl/photo/dxo_optics_pro)

and I was impressed with the results. I just don't know how to fit it into my workflow...


12-03-2009, 12:40 AM
I've checked the website. Looks nice. How easy is it to work with compared to Canon's DPP?

Tony Printezis
12-03-2009, 03:36 PM
How easy is it to work with compared to Canon's DPP?

To be honest I don't know, as I haven't used DPP much.

BTW, I recently found out that it has some integration with Lightroom

http://www.dxo.com/us/photo/dxo_optics_pro/workflow/working_with_adobe_lightroom2 ("http://www.dxo.com/us/photo/dxo_optics_pro/workflow/working_with_adobe_lightroom2)

which makes it more attractive (at least to me).


12-04-2009, 12:13 PM
I tried the trial software and I must say it works wonders. Lighting optimization really works like charm. But alas, I work with SRAW, I wish they would have SRAW support in the future. Thanks for sharing!

Tony Printezis
12-04-2009, 01:01 PM
I tried the trial software and I must say it works wonders. Lighting optimization really works like charm.

Ralph, just a quick warning: when you look at the before / after version of the image keep in mind that the before image is not at all optimized (i.e., it's considerably worse than what LR would do by default). So, in terms if sharpness, LR is similar in a sense to what DxO does. Having said that, I really liked the automatic vignette / lens distortion / CA correction and, as you say, yes the lighting optimization is real nice.
