View Full Version : What the highest "usable" ISO on a 5d Mkii??

12-14-2009, 04:45 AM

Just want to know what's the highest usable ISO speed on a 5d mkii??

Usable in the sense that the shot can be printed to size 8x10 inch print without or minimal post processing fdor noise reduction???

12-14-2009, 09:21 AM
Between ISO 1600 and 3200, quality takes a little dip. And from then on, the dip becomes deeper. But for me 3200 is still usable, noise is okay. ISO 6400 for emergencies only with noise-reduction applied in post. Depending on your processing effore, you might be able to pull off 6400 with 8x10 prints... But to be on the safe side and not lose too much image quality, try to stick with 3200.

12-23-2009, 09:08 AM
Depends on the application.

Art can come in many forms. Noise wouldn't be an issue in one of those Andy Warhol multiple colored/image posters .... just one example.

But yea, I start frowning around 3200.

Daniel Browning
12-28-2009, 08:13 PM
Just want to know what's the highest usable ISO speed on a 5d mkii??

Depends a lot on the white balance and other post processing. High key shot in magenta light with good post processing (not counting median-filter based noise reduction)? ISO 12,800 will look noiseless. High dynamic range low key shot in red light with subpar post processing? ISO 400 can look very terrible.

Generally most people will find ISO 3200 to be acceptable in most circumstances.