View Full Version : Actuations

12-15-2009, 04:27 PM
Looking for a used 50D camera body. Can someone tell me how many actuations on a camera is too high to buy. I guess it is just like the mileage on a car? Typically, how many pictures can one take?

Keith B
12-15-2009, 04:44 PM
I wouldn't really say it is the same as a car. If the camera has been well taken care of the only issue should be the shutter. Canon will replace a shutter for about $200 give or take depending on model. If it is a really good deal I wouldn't fear high actuation.

Sean Setters
12-15-2009, 06:28 PM
I'll echo Keith here. Considering the expected life of a 50D shutter is 100,000 actuations. Most professionals who have a 50D only use it as backup, therefore most 50Ds are in the hands of non-professionals and don't see professional use. I've had my 50D since the first week of its release and I just recently passed 10,000 actuations. Some people shoot more than others, of course, but with the relatively low cost of replacing the shutter, I don't think it's a cause for too much concern.

Fred Doane
12-16-2009, 09:41 AM
expected life of a 50D shutter is 100,000 actuations

I just want to say the "expected life" is not guaranteed. I have a 1Ds MarkIII that is rated at 300,000 actuations that is taken care of very well without a single scratch on it that had to have it's shutter replaced after only 8,000 actuations. As you can do the math that is far less then 300,000. Luckily it was still under waranty. Personally I have contemplated buying used a few times but it's not worth it to me to pay almostnew prices for usedcamera bodies. Thats just my opinion though.


12-16-2009, 11:02 AM
As for your question I have contemplated this issue. My replacement values range a fair amount but I have nothing over 500,000 and only one over 300,000. With frame rate on my newer camera I suspect I will achieve those values in record time.

As for my Digital cameras they would just fail and typically fairly
hard and nothing to do with the actuator. I am not sure if the years of bumps just took their toll but I
just replaced them rather than suffering the down time while they get repaired.