View Full Version : My photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/frankonian/

Roland Scheiner
12-16-2009, 01:12 PM
I have started to upload pictures to the a.m. website. These pictures are those I like most.

I should be glad, if you will view them and give me a feedback. From time to time when I will add new pictures, I will let it know i.e. Iwill post.

I should like to draw your attention to the pictures I recently took in the Mercedes museum in Stuttgart, Germany (I am German as you may know). It is really worthwile a visit. I didn´t have too much time for taking pictures because I had to follow the group. I will make another visit and hopefully better pictures - with my new 5D2. All the images I show until now were taken with my last Nikon DSLR, a D90. I sold it. From christmas on, I will use the Canon gear.

btw. On Christmas I will be cured from my insanity (as peety3 said), having bought a 5DMarkII already in September and not use it before Christmas.

But I tell you, since September I study learning books about the 5DII, the owners manual and instruction videos. You may not believe it, after 30 years using Nikon the usage of a Canon is really different. With Nikon cameras it is easier to set the settings, but they offer less possibilities.

12-16-2009, 01:25 PM
Why don't you put a few photo's here to draw our attention more? :D

Also try to make a clickable link to your photo's so more people will go there, myself accounted :D

Roland Scheiner
12-16-2009, 02:53 PM

frankly spoken (written) I am not so familiar with the computers.

thank you very much for your good tip. I will do that tomorrow. It´s now 19,50 h At 20.00 I will watch the news, in order to see how our governmet plans to waste more money.

12-16-2009, 03:49 PM
Haha ok :D I'll do the same in 10 minutes.. I live next door to Germany ;) see what brilliant things our government did today :P

Some help:

When you edit your initial post. Copy the link into your post and select it. Than push the chain?button next to insert media and smiley button above (it isn't clickable until you select your hyperlink in your message). That's also where you insert some of your photos. Use the insert media button. I hope this works out. Good luck!