View Full Version : should I go for the 70-300mm DO

12-17-2009, 10:10 AM

I'm looking for a great zoom for my 50D.
I know the 70-200 f/4 L IS USM is great.

What about the 70-300 DO IS it seems very nice.
Nice size.

Is the range from 200 to 300 usefull.
What about the IQ.
Is the IS working good in the 200-300 range.

It's for outdoor use.
Travel, a trip in the forrest, sightseeing...
I don't do sport shooting.

Just a footnote:
I have the ef-s 17-85mm. I'm 90% happy with the IQ. Maybe upgrade to the new 15-85.
Testet the 24-70mm f/2.8 L. Didn't like it. IQ was about the same, but IS is missing. I need IS as I will never use a tripod.

12-17-2009, 11:11 AM
The 70-300 DO at first seems to be the perfect 'travelling' lens due to it's size and weight, however, the IQ is not on par when compared to the cheaper Canon 70-300 non-DO. Actually, the 70-300 non-DO performs better than the DO version in certain criteriaandis much more cheaper but is not as stealthy.

Also, the design of the DO is a trombone design, and there may be a tad of wobble as well as zoom creep once broken in. I too was looking into purchasing this lens, but once I readBryan's review, I decided against it from a $$$ standpoint.

I would have a look at the links and please feel free to google your research...

http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/Canon-EF-70-300mm-f-4.5-5.6-DO-IS-USM-Lens-Review.aspx ("http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/Canon-EF-70-300mm-f-4.5-5.6-DO-IS-USM-Lens-Review.aspx)

http://photo.net/equipment/canon/70-300do_2/ ("http://photo.net/equipment/canon/70-300do_2/)

http://www.photozone.de/canon-eos/201-canon-ef-70-300mm-f45-56-usm-is-lab-test-report--review ("http://www.photozone.de/canon-eos/201-canon-ef-70-300mm-f45-56-usm-is-lab-test-report--review)

http://www.wlcastleman.com/equip/reviews/70_300/index.htm ("http://www.wlcastleman.com/equip/reviews/70_300/index.htm)

For the price, I would go with the 70-200 f4L IS USM, you will not be disappointed and you may end up saving some 'dough' in the end!

Hope this helps...

12-17-2009, 06:35 PM

It helps a bit. I'm again convinced that the 70-200 f4 L IS is the one to get.

But I really wanted to like the 70-300 DO. Nice size, but have some problems. The reviews are actually not that bad.
But if it's a bit weak at the 300mm then I will be better served with excellent IQ from the 70-200 at 200mm.

So the long end is home.
Then I will probably upgrade my 17-85 to the new 15-85 wich maybe is the best walk around lens I can get for the 50D. Know that there is also the 17-55 f2.8 IS, but will not go for this (don't have the felling for it).
Was thinking about the 24-105 L, but missing wide end and IQ of the 15-85 seems at least as good from the reviews (but would have loved a L lens). The zoom ring on the ef-s lens is also better for my use.

12-17-2009, 07:19 PM
I know how you feel. Once you have decided on something, no matter what, you got to have it!

Why not 'try and then decide' if this lens is what you are actually looking for via renting for a weekend?Rent both the DO and 70-200 f4L and compare. Some stores would even allow the fact that the rental is taken into consideration upon purchasing - you may first want to check with store policies.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of EF-S lenses, sure they are great and the pricing is right, but it's the 'upgrade factor' as they cannot be used on FF camera bodies!

The 24-105 is a great lens (owner), but you are correct if you are looking for something on the wide end. But then again the Sigma or the Canon 10-20 lens should be looked at well (though they can't be used on FF). So many possibilities out there!


Good luck.