View Full Version : Decent Cheap Wide Angle Lens

01-14-2009, 11:53 PM

I am looking for a cheaper wide angle lens. With my purchase of a 40d and 70-200f/4LIS my funds are a bit low.

I am actually considering the new kit lens with IS. I have the old one that I am not thrilled with.

Any ideas?


01-15-2009, 01:11 AM
Recently I just borrowed the 18-55 Greg mentions and I found it a real blast to use. It was very light, focused decently manual and auto and produced good results for what I was doing (walking around, street photos).

Maybe you should also consider an EF 35mm f/2 prime. I think they are about $250 and the image quality would be great, as well as having a fast aperture.

Sinh Nhut Nguyen
01-15-2009, 02:27 AM
Yup the EF-S 18-55 IS is really good for the money. It's wide, but not ultra wide

01-15-2009, 08:22 AM
Yeah, that is why I am considering it.

I would like to go wider, but I think if I do that, I am talking $550+. Either the Canon 10-22 or the Tokina 12-24(?).

Thanks everyone!

Tony Printezis
01-15-2009, 09:31 AM
I would like to go wider, but I think if I do that, I am talking $550+. Either the Canon 10-22 or the Tokina 12-24(?).

You should also look at the Sigma 10-20. It's around $430 online. The IQ is OK (not as good as the Canon though) and the build quality is very good. The main problem Sigma lenses have is really bad QA. I had actually got the Sigma 10-20 and the left side was horrible, so I sent it back. This is a standard issue with that lens. People have reported getting a copy with a horrible left side, sending it back, and the replacement coming with a horrible left and right side. I was disappointed since I really wanted to like that lens. What I'm saying is: if you get it, get it from a place that would accept a return and make sure you evaluate it thoroughly.

Also look at the Tokina 11-17 which has less range than the 12-24, but it's f/2.8. It's getting rave reviews.

FWIW: Going wider than 17mm is not something I use every day, but it's lots of fun and it is addictive. I definitely love my 10-22 and it is on my 40D quite a lot.


01-15-2009, 02:10 PM
You mentioned that funds are important but here's another consideration from my experience. Years ago, I started out with the original Digital Rebel with the kit lens. At that time it was the 18-55mm non-IS lens. Don't get me wrong, it was okay but the build was pretty weak, noticeable vignetting, and some lost of sharpness to the corners. I shot lots of pretty good photos with it but what got me mad was all of the described weaknesses coming together in an informal family portrait when the light wasn't that great. Got me really mad and I eventually purchased the 17-40 mm F4L as a standard lens (equivalent to 27mm - 64 mm cropped).

Talk abouta stunning difference! I was able to take supersharp and stunning photos under ALL conditions. I remember taking hand held night shots down to 1/6 sec and wowwing a lot of friends.

I don't know how the new 18-55 mm IS compares with the 17-40 mm L but based on my experience, I'd recommend the 17-40 mm. Yes, it isn't cheap but when you pay for quality you get QUALITY! You won't regret it.

01-15-2009, 06:29 PM
Thanks everyone!

Yeah, I think it was the Tokina 11-16 I was thinking of actually and the 12-24 slipped in my head for some reason.

01-15-2009, 06:30 PM
Yeah, I have already experienced L goodness in my 70-200.

They are in a different class, that is for sure.