View Full Version : What is the serial number range for the 1D Mk. II with the "improved" vertical shutter release?

01-15-2009, 12:08 AM
I have been giving some serious thought to a 1D Mk. II, but after re-reading the review by Bryan,I am concerned by his comments here:

"One of my biggest disapointments with the Canon EOS 1D Mark II is the vertical grip's shutter release. It is extremely sensitive and has almost no travel. It is very difficult to press the shutter release far enough to focus the lens without actually taking the picture. This seems to be a major and easily avoidable blunder by Canon. The horizontal (normal) shutter release works great - as expected. I am getting a little more used to the vertical shutter release, but still do not like it. Word is that Canon has resolved this problem in later date production models."

So my question is, what serial numbers are in the range where the problem was resolved? This way I can know what to look for in a used body, most of which have been selling on eBay for roughly $900-1000.

01-15-2009, 07:06 PM
I just recently learned about backbutton focusing on a 30D that I find works very well. Perhaps you could use this technique. I am assumming that the 1Dmk II has that feature which should be found in the custom functions. This way the shutter release is just that only, to release the shutter. Focusing would be acheived with the * button with your thumb. Just a thought.

01-16-2009, 10:07 AM

That's very interesting. I wonder, too, if the 1D Mk. II has that feature. I still would like to know the answer to the original question, though, so I can be on the lookout for used bodies in that SN range.

01-16-2009, 11:26 AM
Yes, that can be enabled in Custom Functions on the MKII.

I'm unsure about the shutter button, but would like to know which one mine is.

01-16-2009, 12:25 PM
Thank you, that is good to know. Now I wish someone could help us both with the SN range for the "better" shutter release.

Do you feel that your vertical shutter release differs significantly from the main one? If they feel identical to you, then maybe we could start by knowing that yours falls into a good range, and I could at least try to look for ones that are near yours or numerically higher.

01-16-2009, 01:05 PM
Mine feel the same.

# 242408

I don't think that either of them have as positive of a feel as the ones on my 20D with the BG. They're kinda spongy.

01-17-2009, 02:13 AM
Thank you for the SN example. I ama little disappointed to hear that the releases on your 1D Mk. II both feel spongy.I would expect a camera of that pedigree and costto be like a good pistol in its mechanical feel.

01-17-2009, 03:46 PM
I got this as a response to a question on eBay regarding the vertical shutter release ona 1D Mk. II:

"The serial # is 203xxx. I don't think this has the problem as the vertical shutter feels almost identical to the other. I can press half way in either one shot or AIservo and it doesn't react hair trigger like."

So this may be more evidence? I am a little surprised no one has chimed in with hard numbers. I don't know how to find it out offhand, but certainly Canon has this information.


I received this response from the seller ofSN 237357:

"I tested the shutter releases. Both take a slite effort appearing
normal and both take the same pressure, of course you can turn the
vertical shutter off if you wish. "